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Posts posted by meatloaf

  1. My advice, buy a second hand loom that's complete and replace the horrible hunk of junk that you have now, then at least you have a running start to work from, at the moment your have what can only be described as a total f**king waste if time. Should cost about £30 for an old loom that hasn't been chopped to bit's, then you can connect the right wires up and what you have left over can be traced using the wiring diagram in the manual. Did this with the XJ and took about 1/2 the time that messing about with someone else's horror story would have taken, there are to many gorillas out there that think they know how to fit wiring and about 1 in a 1000 actually get it right without boiling their battery or frying the bulbs.

    My advise anyway some no doubt will disagree.

    Couldn't agree more slice, used to work in the wiring game years ago ( bit more complected than bike looms) and I wouldn't touch that loom with a f***king barge pole, that's not a loom that's a piece of shit, yummy if you don't know what your doing don't waste you time get a second hand one mate.

  2. I knew a guy that had an arrangement with his local chippy, he took all their old cooking oil away, had some kind of filter setup in his shed to filter out all the crap and used it in his old truck, smelled a bit funny but worked OK. Unfortunately for him the chippy shut down and he had to start buying diesel again. last I heard he was looking for a new source of used cooking oil.

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