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Posts posted by meatloaf

  1. Havn't been out on the bike for a while, the last time out it pissed down and my arse and balls got soaked. So popped out today to get some waterproof trousers. It was only about a 20 minute ride but it was nice to get out while the sun was shinning. Came home the long way via the Pirbright bends which I haven't been on since I stopped commuting several years ago. No trafic on the roads brilliant, and I used to be lucky enough to ride these bends 5 days a week for about 15 years. I need to do this more often.

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  2. Looking good mate but then I love black and chrome, can I suggest that next time you do a rebuild take lots of photo's before you rip it apart, then you got something to refer to if needed when rebuilding.

  3. Very sad, if that happens to me, take me round the back and shoot me!

    I said something like that to my youngest, he then started looking through all the cupboards, when I asked what he was doing, he said looking for my fucking gun. FFS I know I'm getting old but I haven't lost it yet, have I ?

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  4. I just got back from Birmingham where I helped my daughter move house yet again, after several hours of humping bumping cursing and sweating we finally got all of her worldy possessions loaded into the hired van, then for the fun bit, I had to drive this big clapped out van (it was big and it was very cheap ) through the city centre to get to some place that even the sat nav couldn't find, luckily my daugter new where she was going so I just followed, of couse we got seperated a few times at some of the many traffic lights and so on but finally got there. Unfortuantly it was a very narrow road so I managed to block quite a few of the neighbours cars in their drives, of course I told the ones that came to speak to me that I would move the van if they needed to get out bla bla' they where all very nice about it and all told us that this such a peaceful road and no we never have any trouble here, ha ha that was before we arrived. When we got back from returning the van it was pitch black and discovered that there was not a light bulb in the whole house and even some of the light fittings had been removed, so there we were fumbling around in the dark with one torch between us trying not to step on any of her prized possessions looking for the kettle or the beer when there is a knock on the door, what do I find when I open the door, only half the fucking Birmingham poolice surrouning the house seems someone thought we were burglars FFS.

    Well at least we gave the neighbours something to talk about, some of them have probably never seen that many police in their lives.

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  5. PS Yes they are made in China and yes the working conditions for the workers are a concern, but if these people didn't work for the guy who's making these then they would be working for the guy making fake trainers or worse still fake aircraft parts.

    or they might not be working at all, and as their gov doesn't give a shit they could starve.

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