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Posts posted by meatloaf

  1. Cynic lets just hope that they find something that can be fixed easily and get you back up and running on all cylinders.

    A while back a mate's wife had to have a brain scan, he told me that there was 2 positives from the result of the scan, firstly they said yes she's got a brain but most importantly they found the problem and there was a quick easy fix and now she's back to normal.

    So keep fingers crossed.

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  2. I've been retired for 12 years mate, you just wait there won't be enough hours in the day to do the things you want to do. We will have to meet and go for a run. As I used to live in Woking it might be nice to see the old place again as well. :jossun:

    PS that makes me a Bastard as well Drewpy :biglaugha:

    Ive heard that slice but at least they will be things that I want to do :colors:

    A run out with you sounds good but I'm not sure you would be too impressed with Woking these days, it has changed a lot and not all for the good.

    We both may be bastards but who gives a shit :moon:

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  3. That looks like a fun bike to ride Mc, the only thing is tho that those shorts & T shirt are no where near enough cover, road rash is not a fun way to spend a few hours in casualty, the last one I had was a few years ago and I had to scrub the dirt out with a nail brush, the poor sod was only touching the stretcher with the top of his head and his heels & he had a very inventive turn of phrase that started with "YOU BASTARD" and went on from there an hour later he was my best bud but don't think he was ever going to forgive me for the pain I put him through.

    yep the best way to learn from mistakes is to learn from some other poor sod, I went over the handle bars of a push bike many years ago and landed head first in the gravel, when the guy in A & E attacked me with a scrubbing brush I couldn't help shouting out FUCK YOU BASTARD I know he was only doing his job and he had to get the shit out somehow but by fuck did it hurt.

  4. Sorry guys just practising being a daft old prat of a pensioner, while you youngsters are handing over your hard earned cash in taxes to Dave to pay off the national debt, I'm preparing to take it easy, I'll be able to do what the fuck I want when I want, jump on my bike and go for a ride whenever the fancy takes me or just sit on that bench in the sun playing my music way to loud, cup of tea or a beer in one hand a map in the other planning my next ride out. I tell you that bench is gonna get well used in my retirement.

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