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Posts posted by meatloaf

  1. Having been looking around at Dragstars - 650 & 1100s - I've stumbled across a 2010 Triumph America which hasn't even been run in yet. Less than 500 on the clock.

    In a part ex with my 125 the dealer will let me have it for less than £4000, am I stupid for not immediately biting his arm off?

    I've ridden it and it is immaculate.

    Sounds like you have fallen in love. Bite his arm off 

  2. My new bike had the surging issues at low speeds that all xvs1300's have, these got worse after I fitted my new Cobra swept pipes, I intended to do Jack's o2 mod as I did on my previous bike but couldn't find that safe place I where I stored the spare resistors. I remembered reading somewhere that a lot of stryker owners across the pond where running their bikes with the o2 sensor unplugged so I unplugged mine and went for a spin, a much smoother ride all round probably as good as my previous bike with Jack's mod. Now there is a whole lot of bollocks on the interweb thingy about dangers of running bikes in this way but as far as I can tell the o2 sensor is only used under certain conditions the main one being at idle or low speeds when it runs on a very lean mixture and by unplugging the sensor the mixture is richer but only under the conditions the sensor is being used. Does anyone know if I am being a complete prick and got it totally wrong and missed something important.

  3. For those of you that live down south, The Wyvern 75 Aldershot Road, Church Crookham, GU52 8JY is well worth a visit. The land lord Bob is a biker and will give you a 20% discount if you produce your bikers voucher ( a skid lid) the staff are freindly and the food is good. A local bike group that I belong to meet there every Thursday. He laid on a BBQ yesterday for our groups 1st birthday and told me he made a few phone calls to pull in a few favers to arrange the brilliant weather we had, the best BBQ food I've ever had and lots of it to, cracking afternoon.

  4. sorry you FAILED  I thought the extra pressure may have helped.

    im not one to rub it in but it's only money   :loser: 


    just kidding with you , just stick with it , the theory ( in my opinion ) is the worst part.

    No he has only postponed a pass, better luck next time

    • Like 1
  5. New pipes arrived yesterday just as I was going to go food shopping, now did I go food shopping or fit the new pipes, fuck it I thought bound to be something in the freezer. fitting was straight forward and was soon on a test ride, 1000% better than the stock pipes, decided to leave the baffles in as I don't mind waking em up at the afternoon tea dance but don't want to wake the dead.

    Had the 600 mile service today and had solo seat and rack fitted but no chance to really try out the seat as weather is crap at the moment but felt good on the short ride home.20150729_110958_zps42inrcex.jpg

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  6. my question is !  would a noisy exhaust have helped :headscratch:

    No, my noisy exhaust only makes me smile and makes my neighbours pissed when I come home late at night but as tasky said with widow up and radio on ....

    • Like 1
  7. But usually with the option of adding the extra tank, no?

    Can't remember the detail but yes you can replace the dummy tank with a proper tank, it was a common mod back in the day

    1988? I think that'll be one with the underseat tank. Limited range on them, only 100 miles or so. 

    If I remember correctly you will be lucky to 80 miles or so.

  8. Went for a ride today and stopped for a quick cup of tea, as it happened I met a mate of mine and we got talking to this lovely old lady of 84, turns out she was a biker chick way back in the 50's. I then spent the next hour or so talking to her. She was a district nurse most of her working life and did most of her rounds on various 250's turning up at patients houses in bike leathers. She told me that although she had known her husband for 60 years she wouldn't marry him until he learnt  how to ride, she finally agreed to marry him after he took her to the I O M TT and he started riding himself 40 years ago. Sadly she had to give up riding after a parachuting accident when she was in her late 60's. She is still fascinated by bikes and was thrilled when I took her round the car park to look at all the bikes there and it made her day when the bike owners were only to willing to spend a little time telling her about their bikes. She only stopped there for a cup of tea not realizing it was a bikers haunt and went away a very happy old lady.

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  9. Greetings.

    You say you've been driving a car for 4 years, so I guess you are just taking the piss but If you really don't understand the wrong side of keep lefts or don't understand the correct way to go round roundabouts I suggest that you read the highway code as it's possible you may not live very long if you don't understand the basics of riding,


  10. Went for a short ride this evening to my local bike haunt and saw this amazing 1920 AJS, the owner has 12 vintage bikes and plans to get them all on the road, he believes bikes should be ridden not just for show. He bought it as a runner but it hadn't been on the road for years and took him several months to make it road worthy and today was his first test run. He has even got the gas lights fully working so that he can ride at night.20150721_161120_zpsjwwcpzo0.jpg


    Its a bit differen from my V twin


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