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Posts posted by meatloaf

  1. Congratulations Meat, just beautiful, the baby of course not you you ugly bugger. :lol:

    Well said slice on both counts

    Congratulations all round. She's gorgeous. Have you volunteered for babysitting duties yet ? 

    Not yet but apparently I've been volunteered for a couple of dates in December after my nappy changing skills have been refreshed :huh:

    • Like 2
  2. The best day in the meat family for .. well years.

    My eldest and his wife after spending 7 days in hospital, after several years of heartace a beautiful baby girl



    here is me a very happy but nervious grandad as this is the first time I have had a one day old baby in my arms for over 26 years


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  3. I don't know if its because I do more pleasure riding these days rather than commuting, but I have noticed over the last couple of years that here in Surrey there seems to be a lot more vintage British bikes on the road, some of them beautifully restored. At one of my local bike haunts there are nearly always at least a couple turn up. I wasn't disappointed  yesterday morning when these two showed up.20150822_112223_zps59kuywxc.jpg

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  4. . Except the rain. And the sweating. And the wind. And the food is crap. And the wash block is useless. But everything else is great!!

    If it wasn't for the fact that my eldest and his wife are expecting their first baby that weekend and wont be able to look after my dog you would have sold it to me Andy:P

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  5. I know people post a lot of crap on the book of face but I think its brilliant, my daughter tends to piss off for a few months at a time, last years she spent 2 months in South Africa mostly rock climbing and surfing, this year pissed off on 2nd Jan and came back in time for my birthday at the end of April, while we were having crap weather she was touring Oz, New Zealand, India and a few other places. Its great to see what she's up to. Bonus was one day while  talking listening to the old dragon mother in law drone on about fuck know what,  I showed her some pictures that my daughter posted the previous day from the great barrier reef, that shut her up if only for a minute or two.

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