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Posts posted by meatloaf

  1. Vest top, Cold Killers top, padded bra ;)

    Must admit that I'm not really into girly clothing, well apart from spending half my time with Mrs meat trying to get into her clothing but then that's another story .


    Fair to say, my size will not be giving you that option! Couple of Quality Street and some chewing gum is more like it...

    As they say small is beautiful :wub:and was once told what you can't get in you mouth is wasted:unsure:

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  2. These days I am a fair weather rider as all my riding is purely for fun but I do try to get out as much as possible all year round. Last Saturday after a brilliant days riding I had a reality check as the temperature plummeted on my way home and the chill started to seeped through my leathers. Unlike my previous textile gear my leathers are a snug fit so I can't wear all that crap I used to wear to keep warm so its time to invest in some new gear that I can wear under my leathers that will hopefully keep out some of the cold. Any suggestions that you guys and girls have would be appreciated.

  3. Just returned from Birmingham, my daughter enticed me to visit  her to help with some DIY with the promise to take me to the National Motorcycle Mueseum.

    Wow what a collection of British bikes, I didn't realise that back in the early 1900's that there were so many British bike manufactures many of whom I had never heard of.

    I even saw an example of a BSA Golden Flash which I haven't seen since I sold mine 1950 model back in 1969,



    I thought these could come in handy to sort out some of the nutters on the road today.




    Didn't know Wilkinson sword made bikes


    Not seen a Norton like this on the road



    Kinda liked this folding bike from the early 50's




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