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Posts posted by meatloaf

  1. 7 hours ago, Phil72 said:

    Admittedly 2nd Jan not best time of year to get myself a bike.  Think I will use it most of the time apart from frost and salt times of year.  Think I better get me some of that acf50 stuff or will bad weather riding take its toll very quickly 

    Winter is a good time, prices are usually lower, bought my previous bike one December and when I sold it 18 mounths later I actually got more than I paid for it.

    afc50 is the way to go, I've got the same routine as never say die and got the same results.

  2. 8 hours ago, slice said:

    Christ Meat do folks still go there? I used to go there when I was a kid, that would be 1967/8, I bet they still have the SAME bacon fat to cook in !!! barfing-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Loads of people go there slice, the food aint bad these days but other than that it much the same as when I was a kid. That is gonna change though as the council wants to fuck it up by "making improvements"  the only plus side I can see is that cage drivers are gonna be charged for parking.

    3 hours ago, Harrywr65 said:

    I take it I shouldn't go for the bacon butty then slice? :D 

    Go for it, I have a bacon butty or cheeseburger and chips ever time I go there, can't beat some good healthy eating.:)

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Harrywr65 said:

    Where did you go meatloaf? - I'm from Addlestone way so only down the road from your area and don't know many good places to go for a ride! 

    Newlands corner Harry, usually get some real freindly bikers there, even some of the Harley riders speak to us mere mortals :D

  4. On 24/12/2015 at 4:55 PM, Harrywr65 said:

    couldn't you bump start it? ( assuming it's geared?) 

    Technicaly I could but bumping a lump of nearly 300 Kg is not for the faint hearted well not for my faint heart anyway.

  5. 1 hour ago, Harrywr65 said:

    Is this Yamaha in Woking by any chance meatloaf? - I've had previous dealings with them about an engine management light on my bike and they were terrible! 


    Yes mate but I've never had a problem with them in the past in fact I've always them to be quite good.

  6. To tell the truth I'm not going to have time for a ride for a while so waiting for a week or so isn't a problem it's just that yesterday was the first dry sunny day for a while and I missed it.

    Drewps you bastard that wasn't funny

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  7. There was a bacon butty with my name on it but the battery on my bike was as flat as fecking pancake, tried charging it but turns out its buggered, No problem I thought the bikes still in warranty but my local yamaha shop is out of stock and cant get one until the new year. Well thats a glorious December day fecking wasted.

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  8. Not been on the bike for a couple of weeks due to work, the crap weather and trying to rebuild my shower room but today I  threw down my tools and said fuck the diy I feel a ride coming on. I'm ashamed to say that my pride and joy was absolutely coved in dust. 

    It was a little cold but the sun was shining and the sky was blue and I felt alive for the first time in days. Went to one of my favourite haunt's and after a bite to eat spent ages chinwaging with another biker, bloody marvellous must do it again soon.

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