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Posts posted by DkD

  1. Hi all,

    Some technical assistance please. Noticed the reservoir level dropped slightly over night and during my ride to work the level averaged on the minimum (half way mark) but when accelerating it went to maximum. When applying either front or rear brake the level dropped and was just noticeable.

    Of course coasted to work and called the stealer who can't inspect the bike till tomorrow. Given it's a major safety issue, won't be riding it given the brakes are the most important part.

    However, can anyone help with that it could be - just in case the dealer tries to fleece me with a major braking/hydraulic system overall.

    (The bike is a YBR125 custom 2012 - still under warranty but you never know what they might come up with as an excuse not to pay - if it is indeed serious!).

    Thanks all..

  2. Hey Bippo, any update ref the bulb issue. There are a few threads here but can't see any real conclusions (unless a converter kit is put on). So keen to hear what you did or going to do.

    (Have the same issue as you with the shite light!)

  3. Thanks all for your comments... In very simply terms it's freakin 'morons in suits/ skirts' on scooters who are actually oblivious to their surroundings and basically try muscle (wrong word I know) past minimal space and don't give a fook if it that means the other rider having to brake & swerve. Ahh the joy of London commuting.

    I do shout abuse at them but they generally think they have the right to go into any free space no matter what that means. Hence why I wanted your opinions as to the 'standard'.

    (off to take my chill pill!)

  4. Yep, I generally do position myself in the offside. Firstly, so the car can see me in the mirrors and secondly, to be ready to overtake when the opportunity comes.

    The 'other' rider comes to my left and buggers about then attempts to cut in (I allow a few feet between myself and the car).. Just for the record I'm not a slow rider or one that delays other road users.

    This is a daily occurence not a one off. (and the 'other' rider is generally on a scooter!) it;s starting to piss me off as they aren;t going to gain any distance advantage.

  5. Hi all,

    I'm after some general opinions ref riding in town / slow moving traffic and bikers overtaking other bikers.

    On my daily commute to & from work, if I'm following traffic with no room to filter or overtake (usually in a single lane), I often get a rider either coming to my side and blocking my ability to manoeuvre or trying to get a little ahead of me.

    If there is space ahead, I have no problem 'yielding' to a bike willing to go faster then I am but in slow moving traffic isn't there some rule or etiquette? I did my CBT freakin decades ago and remember being told the bike in front has priority as, in general, you (as the rider behind) has a wider view and should allow him/her the space to move about until there is a clear overtaking possibility.

    Whilst I always wanted to pretend to be in CHiPS (for the older readers) I'm not keen to have an accident with another biker...

    Appreciate your thoughts...

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