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Everything posted by Everett

  1. Hey, I just bought my first bike, got it home and it wouldn't start the next day... -Its getting spark... Picked up some ether, removed the air filter and sprayed in- tried kicking it over with filter both out and reinstalled. Only difference is that now when I kick it is that the subtle spark initiated popping sounds (motorcycle sounds) are now accompanied with high pitched chirping sounds- tried bump starting as well- same effect. The only other thing I can imagine it being is a too light or high oil content in my premix? I've tried and tried with this thing and am feeling rather defeated. -I'm so new at this, the sad thing is that it would probably only take someone that has any sort of experience all of 20 min to get it running. I mean it ran great the first day- I'm wondering if maybe I just flooded it the next day and have continued to do so as there is a bit of a fuel leak at the exhaust pipe joint near the rear brake- though I have left it stand without touching it for up to three days at one point- I'm lost! Any advice anyone could lend would be greatly (!) appreciated!
  2. Hey everyone, Just picked up a 66' YG1 (80cc) First bike and a maintenance learning curve ahead! (Would post a pic if I could..)
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