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Everything posted by samcrosswell

  1. All of that seems really helpfull! Thanks, I've now got some fun for tomorrow
  2. Hi, I am getting dirt in my carburettor which is causing the bike to run badly, and sometimes when I turn the bike off fuel poors out of the over flows until I tap the carburettor firmly and it stops. I took the carburettor apart and there were a few little bits of dirt which I cleaned out and presumed as the cause. Bike was fine for a few weeks but now is doing it again. In the Haynes manual it mentions a metal mesh fuel filter type thing but as the manual switches from model to model I am unsure if this is meant to be in my model or not. Does anyone know if there is meant to be a mesh fuel filter on my bike? Or could there be another cause for my problem? Any help greatly appreciated!
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