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    T80 Townmate

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Ahh not to far at all Are there any good meets around the area I could join at all?
  2. Where abouts in the Midlands are you? I'm based just near Silverstone. Thanks for the warm welcome by the ways people
  3. Hi there people, Just a hello really. Wanted to get back on a bike again after having had one whilst i traveled round New Zealand a few years back. I've now picked myself up a 1993 Yamaha T80 Townmate. I got it for £250 with 5000 genuine miles and all the original MOT's. It had been off the road for 8 years when I purchased it but after pumping up the tyres and giving it a good look over it flew through it's first MOT since 2003 Using it everyday now as it saves me a fortune in fuel. 130mpg is certainly helping the pocket. I've already done 800 miles in my first month of ownership. The money I save is all going towards getting my full license hopefully in the Summer. Anyway hi to everyone, my name is Chris and i'm based in the Midlands area in the UK. Hopefully I will get to a few meets/shows over the summer and meet a few of you there All the best Chris
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