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Posts posted by liquidcooled

  1. yes and i actually liked you!! :shock: :twisted: :lol: serious though, i do QUITE like the styling, there are areas on it which are too plasticy looking but a generally good looking modern bike

  2. i quite like the styling. the low price does make me wonder what the suspension/brakes/build quality is like though :shock: time will tell i suppose :roll:

  3. bloody 'ell was he ok after that crash :shock: glad to hear it :D i didn't think he was going to stop rolling along the ground :( just goes to show the safety gear nowadays is tops 8)

  4. What's the EPA?

    it's the enormous penis assocation pete, you wont have heard of it :roll: :lol: i on the other hand have been a paid up member since i grew my mullet 8)

  5. the diaphrams in my xj carbs were a bit worse for wear so i picked up a set of carbs on ebay for £17 hoping they'd have a usable set in. lucky me, they are all nearly new :D ebay can be good sometimes 8) i now also have a full spare set of carbs :wink: oh and a full spare throttle cable :D

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