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Posts posted by johnsnownw

  1. congrats,, we are also just past the 12 week stage. We got some great looking scans also. We have 2 already but it's still as exciting as the first two. Is it your first?? :)

    Congrats to you, also. Aye, it is our first, so I feel a bit adrift at the moment, as well as excited.

  2. Thanks all. He/She was moving around all over the place during the scan, I'm surprised they were able to get some decent pictures. Who knew a 12 week old baby had so much energy?

    Eight more weeks until the next scan, and we find out the sex, really looking forward to it.

  3. Congrats John.

    I've got two daughters...the race is on...Have three and you win!!

    Based on the picture you posted of your daughter sitting on your bike there might be a couple of years spread there, eh? Can you still remember how to change diapers?

    It's a bitch having to sell one of the bikes, but it could have been worse, eh. She may have said sell the bike and the handguns.

    Perhaps you should have stuck to shooting the handgun! :P


    Thanks, but this is my first, mate. I cannot remember who posted the daughter on the bike, but if that was me I would have had to have her in my teens, which I did not.

    The wife does want three, but you might get there before me. Unless we happen to have twins :o and I sure as hell hope that doesn't happen.

  4. Thanks again guys. It hasn't really sunk in yet, I guess because she's only a month along.

    For all you in Scotland, you might see me tearing up the roads in a few years. She's going to try to do her Cardiovascular Fellowship in Glasgow. At my urging of course. B)

  5. i pulled my 98 FZR600 out today after sitting in the garage for the winter and after i finally got it started i noticed it was missing on one cylinder. i checked all the sparkplug wires for spark and they were fine. i put some new gas in with seafoam and ran the bike at high rpm for a while and still number 3 cylinder isn't firing. i figured out it was number 3 by taking the airbox off and spraying some starting fluid at each carb while it was running. i sprayed each carb individually and the idle wasn't affected when i sprayed number 3.

    my question is, what should i try next? i figured i'd get some new spark plugs since it's cheap. but if that doesn't work what should i do?

    I know you said the spark plugs are fine, but did you try switching #3 out with one of the others?

  6. Thanks guys. :)

    Drewpy, there is already discussion about reducing our bikes to 1. The Yam would stay and the Triumph would go...we'll just have to see. I'm aiming to keep both, but the fact is that the Triumph is at the stage where selling it wouldn't lose us any money. *sigh* I took it for a nice long ride today, and I don't think I can get rid of it.

  7. good write up! I'l copy and paste it to the sticky in classics


    I just finished this mod, actually. The 4 inch Uni foam straights will fit, though the left pod is up against the battery box a little. I got mine to work with going up one on the main, and leaving everything else stock. I did have to go 5.5 turns out on the mixture screws. She runs pretty well, but with the occasional back fire through the carbs. Not a bit deal.

    Good luck.

  8. Alright, well here's how the re-jetting went. I went one up on the main, and left everything else as-is, and the bike runs pretty well. The only issue I have is that every once in a while it will backfire through the carbs. Not really enough to be a concern, but I had to turn the mixture screws out about 5.5 turns. I did try to go one up on the pilot, but it was running like crap. If I'm not mistaken backfiring through the carbs mean the mixture is just a tad lean. Does anyone think going 1 down on the air jet would help?

    Actually, I'm a little confused about the starter jet and air jet after looking at my Haynes manual.

    Thanks again guys.

  9. Are you sure that turning the screw out richens the mixture but I thought turning the screw in richened the mix? I havnt worked on a XS400 for over 20+ years so don't take this as gospel. Also the air screw only effects the first 20-25% of rev range so doesnt effect much above that.


  10. I have told this story several times now.

    Tuning shop in Towcester near me called TTS (used by many national magazines and people like Jack Frost etc)I expected pods of some sort when i had quite an aggressive tune done, they will fit pods for 2 reasons only.

    Tuning for the drag strip, or a direct customer request.

    Unless your running all or mostly WOT they do not have enough benefits over a good filter in a regular airbox to be worthwhile.

    Of course, asthetics is entirely different

    Where were you when I was buying these filters? It's very inconsiderate of you, Cynic. ;)

    I decided to go pods because I wanted increased air flow so I could up the jets. My 400 has always seemed to run lean unless I turn the mixture screws way way out. Also, I'm tired of dealing with the stock set up when I want to do anything with the carbs...it's just a pain. I guess the second reason is that I'm lazy.

    Hey John

    I like the red Uni's...if they don't work use them as targets for the 357 or send them to me and I'll see if they work on the 44 mag .


    If I were going to destroy them, I think I'd do it myself. Then again, I wouldn't mind seeing what a 44 mag would do to them...hmmm

  11. You get the same effect as the pressure wave that returns in the expansion chamber and keeps the charge in the cylinder, same thing happens in the filter, trouble is the metal top causes the wave to comeback at the wrong time and restrict the incoming air.

    If you must have pods you want to try and get full foam jobbies.

    So, is this one of those, it CAN happen, or it WILL happen deals?

  12. So, I finally decided to add Uni-Pod filters and re-jet. I'm using these filters:


    Now the plan is to re-jet going 2 up on main, 2 washers to raise the needle, and 1 up on the pilot. Anyone think this isn't the way to go? I've been debating on going 2 up on the pilot as well, but I think that might be too much.

    I've decided to start out as 2 up on the Main as that's what they suggest doing with BS34 carbs on the 650's, here: http://www.amckayltd.com/carbguide.pdf

    Let me know what you all think.

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