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  1. Thank you so much that is exactly what I need! Stupid question warning: How do I buy it from vintagedirtandtrail? There no clicky link or telephone number. I went to the ebay store no luck Also thanks to everyone who took the time out to help me out, maybe I will learn enough to return the favor some day. Thanks again
  2. I'm a complete newbie I recently got my motorcycle license and I have been given an 1982 xs400 maxim. Supposedly it runs good just needed a carb. Ok no problem I find a carburetor on ebay, but I cannot find a replacement manifold anywhere. All that I have is the right one. I tried using one from an xs650 that I found on ebay but it will not fit. Is there anywhere I can find this part? I'm on the verge of just buying a bike and tossing this one.
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