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    Yamaha XT125X -05

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi! I was just playing with the idea and wonder if its possible to convert a XT125 to Fuel Injection? Since the YBR125 has the same engine but with fuel injection wouldnt it be possible to take the "injection part" and put were the carburator sits in the XT? And ofc the electrical stuff needed. What would you need to do to make it work? (if even possible) Would there be any benefits? Thx in advance
  2. I havent really done anything to it yet, exept changing sprockets for better acceleration and putting on another silencer. But as soon as it has gone through the inspection im gonna lighten the flywheel (heavy as shit), put on 30mm carburator, performance camshaft, open airfilter and perhaps a bigbore kit but that one im not sure of
  3. Hi! Ive been looking for some performance parts for my XT125X -05 and found a site with alot of stuff for the TTR125 (same engine) and they have a high performance CDI Unit, will it work with my XT125? Second question: Does any1 have a wiring diagram for the XT125? Edit: I got a wiring diagram by email from Yamaha, if any1 needs it, its here: http://data.fuskbugg.se/skalman01/XT125%20%5C%2705%5C%27.pdf PS. Ive seen alot of posts were people want to increase the performance of their XT125, check this site out: http://www.procycle-online.com/bikepages/ttr125.htm they have alot of nice stuff. DS.
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