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    1998 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Gents, Thanks for the replies. I guess the key was just posting the problem because it solved itself (in a way)... the fuel pump died and started making a grinding/vibration noise. New fuel pump will be here tomorrow. Hopefully that will be the answer. oldgitonabike - Previously looked at all the possible venting issues because that's what I thought at first. Good idea, though. golfdub - Yepper, previously disassembled the cap too. Another good idea, especially since it was happening after fillup. Cov_AL - I'll be more careful where I post. Services are current. The issue with "gunning it" was that I come down a decreasing radius ramp that slows me to about 30 mph and then have a short merge to get onto a major interstate with traffic at 65+ mph. Not always an issue, but usually. Thanks much! Cort
  2. Ok, folks, New rider (8 months, 13k miles), first post, 98 Royal Star Tour Deluxe, use it to commute 225 miles roundtrip three times a week... My bike stalls almost every day at the same exact spot on the interstate. I gas up after about an hour and a half on the road, head down the on-ramp, gun it to merge, and the bike stalls and won't restart. I wait a minute on the shoulder, the bike restarts, and is (usually) fine. It also happens if I stop at a rest area. If this isn't weird enough, it never happens in the morning, when I also top off (can't make it 225 miles on a tank). The morning stops are a little longer since I grab a coffee. So... 1. Warm engine 2. Stopped for a few minutes 3. Ride 1/2 mile 4. Bike stalls as I accellerate 5. Won't restart underway 6. Won't restart until I wait a minute on the shoulder 7. Does not happen in the morning (after longer stops) Any ideas besides a "Bermuda Triangle" effect? Is the fuel pump not turning on when I restart after the fillup? Thanks much! Cort
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