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Everything posted by mexpx

  1. yeah, i sent them an email last night asking if they can point me to a distributor/retailer down here. There is a home depot here, so I'll check that out today. As for the shifter, I guess I'll take it a apart this weekend and take a closer look. Thanks again everyone! D
  2. ok, sounds like a good idea... I'm gonna drain the oil, take the cover off, pull the lousy job off and do a better job with JB Weld. Now where can I find some JB weld in mexico city... Any thoughts regarding the shifter from anyone? Thanks for the tips everyone!! D
  3. well the parts plus shipping to mexico city won't be more than $200. I'm already in over what I can probably get for it. I should never have bought this bike to be honest. And that's my fear. I'm thinking if I don't fix it no one will want to buy it and I'm stuck with it. Maybe I'll leave the oil leak and try to tighten it up some so it doesn't leak using the suggestions made by JUST ME! in his post. Any thoughts on the shifter pedal issue? Thanks again. David
  4. Hi again everyone, So I found this item on ebay - Center crank case covers I'm thinking of buying it and getting rid of this leak. This looks like a big job. How difficult would you rate this? Will this job require any special tools other than your typical wrenches, sockets, screwdrivers etc? Might I need new gaskets, or since this is the only apparent source of a leak, do you think it will be ok? Can I do this without pulling it out of the frame? Just to give you an idea of my level of experience, on my old 76 honda cb550, I rebuilt the carbs, and front brake, and I had become good at doing a tune up on it - tappets, points adjustment, timing, carb sync, etc. I also replaced some of the switches, made some corrections to the electrical, and built a rectifier for it. The same seller also has bolts and hardware for the engine, so I should be okay with that. I'm also having trouble with the shifter. It seems way too difficult to find neutral. It often takes me several kicks back and forth between 1st and 2nd to get into neutral. The neutral light on the display is always lit. Plus, sometimes, when I go all the way down to 1st, the sift pedal dips way down where I really have to reach my toe to pull it up to 2nd. Scary when I'm trying to zip ahead of a Mexico City bus when the light turns green. Then the shifter pedal comes up so high, it scrapes the left side engine cover. Anyone have a guess as to what's causing that? The same seller has some parts that I think I might need, but I guess I should probably rip her open to be sure. Tell me what you guys think... shifter shaft Shift Drum shift forks He has the same pictures for shift drum and shift fork, so I don't know the difference. I have only been able to find a partial repair manual online. If anyone has any suggests where I can find a complete version - in english or spanish - I would really appreciate it. I really appreciate your responses everyone. I was able to restore my Honda with the help of the SOCH owners forum. Without them it would never have happened. You guys have been just as cool. Thanks again David
  5. Thanks for the tips everyone. I'm thinking I'll leave it, for now. I'll try to sell it first and see how it goes. If I can't get the cash I want from it, I'll try to fix it. My ears are still open if anyone else has any ideas. Thanks again
  6. Hey everyone. I'm living in Mexico City right now and got overly anxious and bought a SR 250 I shouldn't have. It was kinda of a mess and I missed a bunch of details when looking it over. I really needed the bike to get around. Traffic hear is horrendous. Anyway, it's running, fairly well considering the problems I've had to fix. Non-original carb I think is the biggest culprit for the less than stellar performance. I was in the process of restoring my Honda CB550 Four in Chicago and she was much more powerful than this little 250, so my opinion may be off - comparing a 550 to a 250. Still, I see plenty of guys riding around mexico on 150 and 125's carry plenty of cargo and passing me going uphill. There are few open road in mexico city, so I don't know what 4th and 5th can really do either. ANYWAY.. I don't know how, but I didn't notice the epoxy or whatever it was they used to fix the engine crank case crack. I guess it was covered in oil. They did a horrible job on it, just slapping some material on it without removing any parts. Anyway, I want to improve this repair because it seeps oil constantly. Might I also be losing some pressure here? Here's what I was thinking - I'd appreciate any feedback... -remove the side cover and sand off the material the PO used for the repair. -also sand of material on center piece of cover. This is where most of the expoy is and, I'm assuming, the location of the damage. -reapply a new epoxy contouring to the shape of the case. Sanding excess off. Do you think this will work? Should I be thinking about some sort of gasket material? I want to sell this bike and get a bigger one. Do you think it might be worse if I try to fix it? Any other thoughts? Thanks for the feedback everyone.
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