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Posts posted by spainy

  1. Hi Wattsy,

    thanks for the guidance - that´s what I think too - get the one you want(and can afford ;) ) 2 years is a long time for just one bike.

    By the way, the A2 over here is 47BHP or 35KW so the MT03 has 0.3 too much power!Gutted.

  2. That´s the problem with restricting I suppose. That´s wht the MT03 type engine appeals since it has amazing looks and is just about within the range allowed anyway.

    A lot of people in Spain are looking at buying much more powerful bikes and restricting them for 2 years until they can drive them fully - and I am not really sure which option is the better.

  3. A question about the MT03 then, can it be adapted to carry luggage, faring (not sure how it´s spelt) etc? If not that´s gonna be a serious negative towards that type of bike since we always carry stuff now - only got a ybr125 at mo and am desperate to upgrade. And as for the engine, if it is the same as the XT - what KW power is it?

    Any other options anyone can think of?

  4. Looks similar to the new Beemers! Looks a lot more like a bike for carrying pillions which I will be doing - and also lots more storage than the MT. Have to see if they are over here though as I have noticed a lot of bikes in the UK either aren´t sold here or noone buys them.

    Thanks for the info tho. :D

  5. Hi all,

    I love in Spain and am currently doing my bike test here - passed the track test yesterday first time and now only have the road test to go before I can upgrade form a 125.

    Problem is over here they have introduced the A2 license which only allows a 35 kilowatt bike and it must have a power to wight ratio of 0,2 kW/kilo. So therefore I think the minimum weight must be 175kilos and it can´t be more than 47 BHP.

    I have seen the MT03 which I love the look of , but there don´t seem to be any other streetbikes that aren´t chopper style that I could look at.

    Does anyone have any idea of which bikes would come into that range and also and more importantly if the MT03 comes within that too?

    Thanks in advance

  6. Thanks for the replies guys. It is the right mirror(if you are sitting on the bike) so if it is CW it´s not working, I might try CCW and see if that works. I´m a bit simple when it comes to all this so thanks little dave, but you lost me after "snugged" :lol:

  7. Does anyone know how to tighten the storks?My right mirror has become very very loose and just flaps about in the wind. I haev tried tightening it with a ractchet but due to the way it is bolted in the bolt just turns and turns. Any ideas?It´s very annoying. :angry:

  8. just thinking of your safety spainy. I personally wouldn't ride a bike like that and your first post about this was last year!!

    No probs Drewpy, I understand.

    If you had ever lived in Spain , especially Andalucia, you would understand how difficult it is to get things done. Especially when you only have one mode of transport and to leave it in a garage means that you don't know when it will get looked at or even if they will bother at all. All the while you have no means of transport.

    Then when they do look at it you end up with "buy a new caliper" which costs the third of the bike. And to take it to another garage means more waiting around. To gove you an idea, the last bike I had, was in a garage 9 days before they even looked at it and I had to hire a car in the meantime, which isnt funny.

    I went back to the garage yesterday to ask him if he could look at it again but no luck, says he already did it twice so tough luck.

  9. should be dry. why this is taking so long when its a serious fault beggars belief. most forum members did tell you to get the the seals sorted!

    Calm down calm down, I havet taken it to a mechanic to check remember, and he suggested a new caliper, and it's for that reason I'm trying to work it out myself even though I completely have no clue about this stuff.

  10. May have found where it's coming from but wanted a second opinion.

    Took the caliper off again and punped the brake until the piston came out about half way, I pulled back the rubber surrounding the piston and it was a little wet on the inside.

    Knowing that it is the fluid that pushes the piston up, is it normal to be a little wet inside or should it be dry? If so that could explain where it is coming from, especially under pressure travelling at speed I imagine that it could push the fluid out a lot more.

  11. if the pistons dry its probably ok but its worth doing anyway and you have piece of mind, if the brakes are spongy that'll sort it ,might be worthwile too to get new brake pipes if you have the rubber type replace them with braided pipe, i know it can be quite expensive but theres no point in skimping on brakes. if that doesnt sort the oil leak then i would be looking at the forks and perhaps giving them a rebuild, replacing seals and what have you, there only is two sources of oil around your brake disc, the caliper and the forks. either way its going to cost you but thats the joy of biking i'm afraid.

    im surprised the mechanic looking at it originally couldnt suss it out, might be worthwhile finding a new mechanic, no disrespect to the guy, but, what the hell.

    Thanks again for the info. The mechanic suggested replacing the caliper as he couldn't see where it could possible be coming from either. It's very bizarre and am thinking about going to another mechanic - it's just a hassle as it's my only mode of transport and in Spain they take days to do anything.

  12. buy a new seal kit, undo the caliper from the fork leg, dont remove the brake pipe,take out the brake pads and bin them, hold the caliper so you can see inside it theres a big round bit in the centre, thats the piston.

    now, gently, and i mean gently pull the brake lever in and the piston should start to move out of the caliper. its not very deep probably only about an inch or so. at some point when its coming out of the caliper it'll start to go loose , thats when its about ready to pop out. ease it out ever so gently now cos theres brake fluid under pressure forcing it out. when it finally is ready to come out lift it out of the way.

    empty the caliper of all the brake fluid, use a container of some sort, give it all a good clean with a rag, dont get it on you or any parts of the bike, its the best paint stripper going.

    take the brake pipe off and wrap a rag round the end of it. keep the top on the master cylinder ( where the lever is) and it shoudnt leak too much fluid from the brake pipe.

    the caliper is now detached and empty so put it on a bench and look inside it where the piston came out.

    theres a round black rubber seal in there which prevents the oil leaking from around the piston. thats the seal.

    its probably held in with a circlip of some sort so remove this and gently pry the seal out taking care not to scratch any of the metal surfaces.

    lay the new seal kit out and see what you've got. remove any bits from the caliper that look the same as the bits in the new kit, and replace them with the new bits, go easy and replace everything exactly as it was. give the piston a clean and gently push it back into the caliper. put the brake pipe back on, a new set of brake pads, and bolt it back on the fork leg and bleed it to get any air out of the pipe and caliper.. remember when your bleeding it to top up the master cylinder resovoir, once its bled and youve got good pressure on the brake lever bobs yer uncle.

    if any of that is wrong then someone speak up and correct me.

    i hope it goes ok cos you cant run about with dodgy brakes my friend. they're the most important part of the bike. if your not sure then buy the kit and give the whole lot to a mechanic and get him to do it.


    Thats brilliant Ian, thank you very much for the explanation, it's very clear.

    Before I start to look at doing this, one thing, the piston is completely clean and all around it's edges also, if oil was coming from there would it not be dirty?


  13. I have just taken the caliper off the bike and checked it all over and cannot see where this bloody oil,or whatever it is, is coming from.

    I was hoping that somebody could post a picture pointing out where the seals are that I need to check. The caliper only has the one pipe attached to it which comes from the disk oil box, correct? That seems completely dry on the outside, and inside the caliper there is no immediate suggestion as to where the fluid is coming from....it is all dirty with fluid but not wet.

    It would be great if someone can put up a picture so that I can eliminate each possible area, this is really pi$$ing me off now.


  14. If those are words of comfort for you...

    I just did only 32OKM out of full tank till it run off (no fuel).

    I sould confess though that I was driving full revs of the motor (and in the end I still had the reserve [2-3lt] ).

    It took 10,5 lts to fill top up.

    Its very bizarre.

    I am losing about 130kms a tank, thats a hell of a lot, especially if you multiply it by 10, 100 or 500 fillups, which is easy to do.

  15. Just had a look now, wiped the inside of the cap with a rag because at first I couldn't even see a hole. Uncovered it with the wiping, a very small hole in teh plastic, let's see if it makes a difference.

    Am wondering if by filling the tank completely with 10 litres, that it is covereing the hole in gunk?

  16. Thats correct, as the fuel from the tank is used up it needs to be replaced with air or a vacuum will be developed in the tank, this vacuum would overcome the gravity feed to the carb of fuel pump. Open the cap and have a good look at it underneath, see if you can see any little holes that might be blocked up (Vent holes)

    GOd, I didnt even realise there were vent holes in the cap, I will have to look.

    Thanks, I will report back.

  17. Getting back onto topic, been quoted 280 euros for a new caliper, thats a third of the value of the bike.

    Just gonna have to hope that I don't need to brake too hard and carry on as they are.

    Forks are still dry so it's def not coming from there, but the caliper, especially back of it(the bit you can't see unless you lean over and look at the back of the caliper) is pretty covered in oil...or whatever it is.

    It has now been the same for 5 months.

  18. Sorry mate this might seem like a stupid question but have you made sure you have the choke switched off? If you are running the engine rich then you will get poorer mileage performance.

    Yep the choke is off, if I turn it on when it's warm it just cut's out anyway.

    It baffles me how people get so much mileage, I get 270kms max every tank, no matter how I drive the bike.

    Plus now im getting the bike cutting out all the time again, see my new thread, just wrote it 10 mins ago.

  19. I have had my bike for about 5 months now, and at the beginning I had an intermitent problem that the bike just kept dying on me. It could be at lights, or driving along doing 60mph, it was very strange but seemed to stop.

    It has now re -emerged with a vengeance and is happening several times a day. I changed the spark plug but nothing happened.

    Just been to my local mechanics. He removed the fuel pipe and drained it in front of me. The fuel initiallycame out quickly and then began to drip and had no pressure at all. He then told me to take off the fuel cap whilst he continued to drain it. As soon as the cap came off the fuel began gushing out again. He says it's probably a problem with the cap thatits not allowing the fuel tank to breath. Does this sound correct?Has anyone had a similar problem?If so what is the solution?

    Thanks and regards


  20. Don't think its the fork as there would be oil dripping down the fork otherwise.

    The mechanic is gonna order me a new caliper, or at least find out the prices for one. On top of this some barsteward has taken the speedo cable from my bike, it was detached from the wheel the other day and when I screwed it back on it still didnt work, turns out someone has nicked the cable from inside! :angry:

  21. Bloody hell didnt mean to start an argument :blink:

    The service is due now so I will update once it´s been done to see if there is any difference in mileage.

    yes I do drive mostly at 8000rpms all the time (in fifth)as it´s all motorway driving , I don´t fully accelerate to 9000rpms, I always keep it around 8000rpms.

    The starter problem seems to have mostly gone now, however now and again it will just die whilst driving (mostly when cold) but if I fiddle with the key it starts again fine. I did check the plugs when it first started happening but they were fine, it seems to be a faulty contact with the key problem.

    Well since the bike has been serviced there is no change in consumption , the oil was changed, filter cleaned etc.

    Dont understand it.

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