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Posts posted by JDM Ron

  1. Or go to Wilkinsons and buy some plasti-kote BBQ paint, its good for 425C and cheaper than exhaust paint, although its the same stuff really. Having used many different exhaust paints over the years, I find this is as good as any of them. Have a look at my bike in Gallery to see how it looks, 1979 DT175MX

    I use the High temp engine paint on my last bike to paint the entire exhuast pipe, you can get it at autozone and walmart, supposed to be for painting engine blocks n what not

  2. Not so easy to diagnose but here goes. If the clutch lever cannot be pulled back as you stated in the start of your sentance then it must be the master cylinder. If the lever pulls back but nothing else happens, it could be the slave cylinder. If the slave cylinder is moving but the clutch does not dis-engage, then its inside under the clutch

    If it is none of these, you are holding the front brake lever.

    Im gonna have to start with the slave next, because i rebuilt the master cylinder, the clutch lever moves and all that good stuff but it wont go into gear, so im just gonna be going down the line.

    and no lol im not holding the brake lever, i wish i was that stupid though cuz atleast i could do some riding

  3. Hi There,

    from the sounds of things it might just be that your clutch plates are stuck,your on the right lines by bleeding the clutch first, Next thing to try is to fire the bike up and let it run untill it gets nice and hot this should thin the oil out and hopefully release the clutch plates, try and put it into gear when its nice and hot and running and see what happens. ( just remember to keep the brakes on )

    Hope this helps



    Is bleeding the clutch different from bleeding the Line? im sorry like i said im new to this so i have no idea

  4. i dont think its kinked, i tried bleeding the lines, shop down the street told me theres a piston inside the master cylinder attached to the clutch lever that gets caught if its been sitting for a while, i know the bike hasnt been ridden atleast since june of last year, im gonna run down the list and start with the master cylinder, hopefully i wont have to do the clutch on it, im still fairly new to bikes, not so much cars though

  5. clutch lever will not pull in right now - don't know if the slave cyl is frozen, clutch is incorrectly installed, or what.

    will go through all gears in tranny when sitting, all gears are firm. clutch is disengaged completely when started. (ie: put it in gear and it doesn't move)

    what does anyone think of this? i like the bike but i dont want to do a clutch or anything serious

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