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Posts posted by 2enjoi2

  1. hey, i woke up this morning after taking my new toy out on its first wet run. and it wouldnt budge, turns out the front brakes were stuck. the guy i bouhgt it off of said they had new brake pads.

    is this normal b4 they are bedded in? or is it to do with the rainwater? or was i just told a porky and i need new brake pads?



  2. I assume you're adjusting the front pre-load (on your fork springs),

    It will be subtle, one turn is only compressing/releasing the spring by about 1mm.

    This is why you will often see people's pre-load wound completely out.

    If you want really noticeable difference, you could try after-market springs - Hagon's are good.

    ok, cheers for the advice. only reason im doing it is because whoever owned it last had it set to 5 notches on one and 7 on the other. doesnt feel too bad but then again i havnt riden it set right yet.

  3. if by chance you happen to own a r6 with two bent keys and no information on the key number.... can you use the bike frame number to get a new set?

    how much do they cost?

    i can stil use them, but it takes 4 or 5 trys and one day it wont lol. rather that not be the day im on my 300 mile day out!



  4. ive just bought a r6 and ive noticed the forks adjusters are on diferent settings, one is on 5 lines and one is on 6 1/2-7 lines. it states in the manual that they must be the same, i didnt notice any diferenct when riding.

    should i try to correct it? or is it best to take it to a garage and get them to sort it for me?

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