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Posts posted by Tommy2Wheeler

  1. my gear as follows;

    KBC dragon limited edition in gunmetal (got a nice ring to it that hasnt it!) helmet with clear and black visor, fucking brilliant if you ask me!! race spec too all for 180 (including visor!)

    Rev'it leather jacket, also have an old JTS leather jacket which was good but after a years use now is reddy/pink colour instead of black where ive put my rucksack on etc.

    Rev'It leather trousers; all zips together to form 1 piece suit effectively,

    Rst leather gloves, i highly recommend the rst gloves fuckin brilliant and cost effective too!!

    Sidi vertigo's, need i say anymore about these boots?

    for the winter i have a frank thomas textile jacket, very good as frank thomas stuff is, i should know i work in a shop selling it (Rivitts @ Norton way honda letchworth-01462684124) not just saying that but its good shit!

    frank thomas winter gloves, toasty

    alpinestar waterproof boots, also wear them int he summer as well, depends what mood im in,

    also owned an rst lid which was great, but again bore the brunt of over a years hard use, and an agv lid, grew out of it after a year as well, a set of spidi winter gloves, good but got soggy and also bore grunt of heavy use and ripped at the seams!!

    just need to buy some waterproof trousers now, good job i work in a shop eh!

  2. If your in the admin group of this forum, would you remember to limit you enthusiasm of using swear words when you post.

    he's the admin of this forum, so unless you want a kind greeting from his pet twat Eddy i wouldnt bother so much with things like that!!

    does anybody really care about the language, this isnt the school playground, its not your nans house, its a forum full of men and women (im not going to say mature because that would be a contridiction to myself) with a common interest about bikes. so lets talk about some bikes!!


    does anybody know wot new technology they've put in the new r6 . its fucking well nice, id ride it like eddy's milf of a mum. 'ave itt!!!

  3. been a while since ive been on here so i thought i would drop a post in the bar as usual to show im not dead!! ive been very busy recently with moving, starting university and ive also got a job in a bike clothing shop in a bike shop, its a honda garage but still its bikes!! its called rivetts at norton way honda in letchworth, im in all weekend and a wed and thurs night if ever you wanna drop in!! sure you dont though as its hondaland. so its all good my end, how are the rest of you. i see pete is rubbing it in wiht the weather out in spain!! mervin i did catch some of your jokes on a breif look-superb as always!!



    o yeah is anyone going to the nec? i may be on the trade day which is on the thursday.

  4. im certain arrow do one, there good, excellent quality a touch on the expensive side but its worth it if you can afford. if you want a cheaper option, someone like the carbon can company are cheaper and still good. but you pay for what you get really. also cheack the fitment of your dt against teh larger yams like the xt, if they are the same then your can choice is broadened a lot more. best of luck

  5. lol,...lighten up guys,.....I'll leave you alone,......

    in OUR forums,...we had a troll,....claimed to be from here,..........I'm just retalliating.

    I really could give a crap what anyone rides.

    oi prick. how about fuck off out our forum, if you were a real biker then you wouldn't do this.

    and dont come back at me with a bag of shit about how many miles you've done or bikes you own etc. i dont care, your not a real biker your a tit i dont have the time for you. :finger:

  6. ive kept pairs most of the time, but currently running with michelin pilot sport front and a bto14 rear and i actually think its brilliant!! i dont think theres much of a problem as long as there are similar tread pattern and compound, as well as general condition. respect your tyres and they will respect you is what i always think. :D

  7. I wondered why most people rip the shit out of Harley riders, now I can see why. Arrogent bastards :D .

    i dont think hes coming back any time soon, well done lads! fuckin idiot harley rider, go and wank off your mate in his skin tight leather cardigan with your dog that looks like its about to enagage in a bondage sesion with his owner, and his name is bruiser. :D

    so take your overweight, over priced over (poorly) chromed american wannabe bike and take it and yourself outa our forum for bikers with some brains.

    except you eddyirish you also have no brains but at least doesn't own a harley. good god i just gave eddy a compliment, will he marry me now?

  8. Must be from your child hood, and foul mouthed too !!!



    don't do that you'll make that sad sack of shit who couldn't shoot a gun to save his life especially in any form of war or fight more angry!!

    but happy birthday 'irish you tit!! :D

  9. It was a 900 I didn't like Tom....the earlier 850 is a bit different.

    ah i do appologise then. im actually semi-serious on my offer by the way, if you need it as a last,last reesort :):D

  10. another tdm!! i thought you didnt really like them. tell ya what pete, pay for my flight back to the uk and half the petrol money to get me out there and ill ride it out for ya!!

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