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Gas up - Let's Go!

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Posts posted by Gas up - Let's Go!

  1. Schoolboy MotoX is fantastic.... They are totally fearless and much more intersting than any other Motorcycle racing.

    My brother run a bike for years, it's where I picked up my interest, in fact I learned to ride on a crosser. Me, I'm far to aware of my own mortality to race, it's just not in me and I don't have that attitude to race at all.

    Oh, and the chicks, the girls realy dig a crosser.........

    Fair play to your boy, if you can afford it, then it's better than him hanging out on street corners mugging old ladies!

  2. oh and dont use that gun idea, it works but the last person to try it got locked up so probably not the best thing to do

    Ah, you see, that's where you have fallen, and made assumptions that you shouldn't - I said shoot, never mentioned a gun...

    Camera ?



    But I agree, it's a high risk strategy!

    id suggest getting some trellis to put up on the fence but cut every slat half way at an angle so when weight is applied it snaps off to a sharp point :D .

    I have a similar defence at the bottom of the garden, but I just bought the cheapest trellis out there (£10 a go from B&Q), it looks nice as it's all curvy, but will snap under any weight.

    Not good to make it into points, if the scumbags get hurt themselves, they'll look to you for compensation - It's a bloody stupid state of affairs.

    Devils Thorn bushes are great but look awfull, the thorns are about an inch long and hurt like hell.....

  3. ok first for some reason i cant post in the wanted section so if anyone wants to bump this feel free or if a mod wants to open the wanted section for me thats even better thanks in advance

    looking for the protector piece purple if poss but if not no probs for the 92 xtz 660 3yf[ prt num 3yf-834w-10 ] and the plastic clock surround that goes over the protectors [prt num 3yf 2837m-oo]

    once again thanks

    I think you'll be better off posting this on the HUBB (www.horizonsunlimited.com) - lots of guys on there have early Tenere's, so you might get a better response.

  4. I find propper traffic cops great, as long as you aren't taking the p!$$. If you are OK with them, they are (or have been with me) pretty good.

    If you take a BikeSafe course, you will see a different side to them.

    Normal 'wooden tops' are a very different breed. They have either no intrest, or are budding 'traffic cops' out to get as many traffic infringments as they can. I've found that these guys have inferior understanding of the Road Traffic Act (in the UK), or even the Highway Code (UK). I was once stopped by one of these guys for 'overtaking on the zigzags at a crossing'*. Lucky for me I had the Highway Code with me (having just finished an IAM session), he still insisted he was right but decided to give me a warning and let me go.

    * - Overtaking on the Zigzags is only an offence if you overtake the vehicle that has stopped to let a pedestrian cross. Remembering that the second vehicle has stopped because of traffic conditions.

    I find the driving standards of most Police officers falls way short of what I call acceptable.

    On balance - I'm OK with the guys on Traffic. They have a wealth of experience and knowledge, if you ask them (without being an arse) then you will be rewarded. In my neck of the woods anyway.

  5. Bought a 84 TT600L it's got a dry sump the manual says it takes 2.4l of oil but when i drained the oil there was almost 3l of oil in it but the oil doesn't show on the dipstick even after the motor ran for a while and if i open the bleed screw on top of the oil filter while the engine is running there is no oil coming out fitted new oil pump but still no oil help please

    The dry sump does take a whie to fill, you need to run the bike for a good while before taking the reading. When you loosen the bleed screw oil should seep out (if you remove the screw then the oid should hit the roof - literaly!). After a minute or so, if you've not seen any oil then it could be that your oil pump needs primed as it's got a air lock in it.

    Running the engine in this state isn't advised ! but the only real way of sorting this is to turn the motor over, so I'd be inclined to whip out the plug, take out the bleed screw and kick her over until you see some oil.

    Of course, it could be shomething else, like the oil pickup isn't fitted right, or a part not tightened up - it's always a possibility (especialy with me !), but the first thing would be getting some oil in that pump.

    PS - The capacity of the oil is dependant on what you did. 2.4l for a normal oil change, 2.5 if you did a filter, but as you removed the oil pump it will need the full 3l. What you should have done, was prime (put some oil in it) the pump when you fitted it.

  6. A friend told me that he had a ground anchor on his bike... they dug it up and took it with them!

    I had a friend who had his anchor in his garage wall, they used a battery powered motor rake, and took the brick!

    If they want it, they'll take it - we can only make it harder for them..... Noise is your friend!

  7. It pays to have a noisy security system, and the simple ones work best.

    About 18 months ago I had pretty much the same experience, noise, dogs going biserk, me running outside in less than you! The scumbags run away and I was just about to head off down the street when I had second thoughts... The dogs were already giving chase anyway - not that they could do much as they are only Westies, but they bark well above thier weight.

    I have heard, and this is could be a myth, that if you tell the police you are going to shoot them (the scumbags) then you get lots of response by some really well trained officers :o

    Off course when they arrive, you might want to put the camera down to avoid being 'shot' yourself'


  8. Personally, I would tell them to keep the Payment as you want this settled and don't want it to drag on. I'll tell you a story...

    A few years ago I was driving to work, (I was in a RS 4x4 escort with plenty of go!) on a clear stretch of road I pulled out to take a line of traffic, road was clear ahead and I started to pass. I got past all but the second-from-the-front car as it pulled out, I was doing around 65mph with nowhere to go. our sides collided, not much damage, just mirrors and scapes. I, or rather we, were saved by the fact I had 4 wheel drive and didn't go all pearshaped whil eI was in the gutter! (I guess that's why these were such good rally cars). We stopped, he admitted liability and wer both headed off to work - funny we were both heading to the same place!

    I got my car fixed on insurance and thought no more about it.

    At renewal time, my NCD had dropped so I challenged it. There, on my details was an outstanding claim against me, he had claimed it was my fault!.

    We both had the same insurance company, they said it was 'knock for knock'. I argued the case, they said no and thier descision was final. 30 minutes with a solicitor and £20 for a letter and they backed down faster than I could see. I got my NCD back and they shutup.

    The moral, when it's the same company, it's in their interests to apply blame to both parties as each looses NCD and the insurance comapny comes out with the best outcome. However it is also a conflict of interests so thier assesment would never be seen as fair in court.

    I would first of all tell them that you are seaking legal advice and until such time, you will not be accepting any monies from them, also tell them that you are seaking damages from the other driver. This should give them something to consider - you might find they back down straight away.

    Oh, and for the record, a green light is NOT authority to go, it is the authority to PROCEED, IF IT IS SAFE TO DO SO, so by driving into the side of you, it was not safe to proceed. So if this is the line she wants to take then let her commit it to writing. Either way, without a witness to support here case it means nothing.

  9. Its a sorry looking YR2-C american spec 350. Here is a brochure of the day.

    You realy are a Nerd at this aren't you........ :P

    Oh, and the link doesn't work, do you need to be a memeber ?

  10. ..... an R6 on the Applecross road? My old NX650 Dominator loved it, but a sportsbike ..... ?

    Hee Hee....... you might just have a point there... one of the reasons I always ask people who buy these bikes 'are you sure?'

    I've been up there a few times, and it's true, even the XJR, CB, Bandit, GSX type bikes get left begind by a big single..

  11. thinking bout going upto sctoland upto loch ness

    Once you get clear of Glasgow, pretty much all the roads are good rides. Personally I would take the A82 from just North of Glasgow alongside Lock Lomond, through the Trossachs, Raccoch Moor, Glen Coe and up to Fort William. Then take the A87 through Glenn Shiel and stop over at Kyleakin is a great biker friendly place (they have a drying area too).

    Take a day to explore the Isle of Skye,

    Take a day to take the A890, A896 to Kishorn then the Pass of the Cattle (the highest road in the UK) to Applecross, around the penninsular before picking up the A896 again through Glen Torrin to Kinlochewe, Glen Docherty, A832 , A890 back to Kyleakin.

    Leave Kyleakin, taking the A890. then the A832. A835 towards Inverness, the A9 (for a short while) and then the A82 down Loch Ness to Fort Augustus for the night.

    One great thing about Scotland, it's nearly all great, wherever you end up.

    South West Scotland has some great roads too.

  12. Whay to many to remember, let alone detail...

    The E90 from Thessalooniki to Igoumenitsa (Greece) is pretty awesome through the mountains. The villages in the valley look like dots, better than anything I've found in thr Alps or Pyrenees

    Pick amlost any mountain road through the Carpathians, and you get a real buzz.

    Pick any of the roads running through Potes in the Picos de Europa national Park in Northern Spain,

    Any minor road in Portugal - no tarmac there......

    Closer to home,

    The A686 over Hartside is a good run, but avoid at weekends when the Power Rangers like to ride it, mostly like complete idiots with little or no regard for anyone else... There's no need to go to stupid speeds but some do, and the Police often have a camera up there, with remote cameras just for bikes!

    A698 is a good road too,

    Wrynose, Hardknott, Kirkstone (including 'The Struggle') and Honister passes are all good, and less numties too - but you need good suspension! Gatesgarth Pass is awesome, if you can get a permit and have the right bike :P

    Over the border, the A712 from Newton Stewart to St Johns Town of Dalry is good, and of course the A08 up past St Mary Lock, Megget Reservoir, Talla reservoir and down the A701 to Moffat.

    The A7 isn't bad,

    Jeasus, I know so many great roads I just can't ever think of them!

  13. The only dis-advantage is my palms of my hands were aching (I'm a big lad anyhow) a bit, buts that's to be expected with any sports bike.

    I know the horse has well and truly left,

    But there are other bikes with just the same 'go' in them, that won't destroy your body

    Christ, I wish I'd seen this earlier....

    You say 'ride within your limits', you should have tried the new Multistrada, as quick as any sportsbikes in average hands but without all the discomfort.

    Never mind, I hope you enjoy your new steed,

    stay safe.

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