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Everything posted by dave26

  1. dave26

    dtr 125

    hi guys im new to this forum and need sum advice.. i recently bought a dtr 125 ( not sure of the model ) which has been made into complete off road and fully deristricted, it seemed ok when i bought it and after riding it hard it started to lose power in mid revs, then after getting home it wouldnt run at all, i changed the spark plug and hey presto it started again, so today i decided to ride it again and it went ok but with not much mid range power but iff you can manage to get past mid revs it is like a rocket, until it gave in and wouldnt start again and lots of tapping when kicking it over. well not kicking it over literally but i feel like lol so here i am thinking its the piston and rings, oh i also noticed the bikes radiator is not getting hot and that the cable is not connected to the pump, also there is no place to put the 2 stroke oil so i mixed it in a petrol can and poured it in, after that the bike was puffing grey smoke everywere so i assume i put a lil to much oil in the fecker. i got this bike really cheap off a good friend as sumthink to work on but now its stopped running its set me back a little. iff ne of you guys could put me in the right direction on sorting the power issue and help get it running sweet again it would be much appreciated. sorry for the long post guys , just trying to give you a good insight of the bike dave
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