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If after you have joined the Forums as a Full Member, you find you require your Membership Number, you have TWO options. 1/ Find the confirmation E-Mail you were sent when you joined (the number is on there). 2/ Send a polite PM to Alex (or one of the Moderators) asking for it. We don't live on the Forum and do have lives (and bikes) that take up most of our time, so you could have an answer in minutes or days. If you haven't heard back within a week, feel free to give us another poke.
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Joining a forum is rewarding and fun, its a community of like minded people with a common interest. like any community, club or group on the 'Net' its good 'netiquette' to introduce yourself, this can be a simple "Hi' or better still a brief intro about 'you', this can include your first name or nickname, your bike/bikes, and where your from etc, its up to you what you put in your intro. This is not an 'on-demand' garage, and it is considered rude to barge in with a "how do I fix this" type question on your first post, however there are a wide variety of members with knowledge and skill that are only too happy to help you out- its just good manners to say 'Hel…
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Hi Everyone, it's been ages since I posted anything. I am looking for my old bike. It was fully refurbished in 2019 or the first year of Covid. I had to sell it, but I would love to own it again. The REG is NME361R. If anyone knows where this bike is or who owns it can you please them to get in touch with me. Cheers, Keith. I have tried to add a photo but can't ?? Any suggestions.
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Hello from Banff Scotland. Working on an 97 sr125. Been riding a Honda NTV Trike the past few years and now want to return to 2 wheels but need to do the CBT first hence the sr125, should have don my bike test back in the days when you could ride a 250 on a provisional, but gave up biking for 40 years after my uncle was killed on my 20th birthday in a bike accident he was only 21 & he and I were like brothers. I'm excited to get out and ride and live again, so... here I am.
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Hi all Just picked up a great little barn find, DT175G 1980, which I'm hoping to have some fun on using TET mostly. Owned all manner of Yamaha's over the years, but never did have one of these - just admired them from afar. Needs a bit of TLC, but overall great condition and have got her up and running (neutral still a bit hard to find (LOL). No number plate or V5 though, so scratching my head a bit about how I get her back on the road. Gather I need to complete a V55 to register, but need some authority to sign off on the year, verify it is what I'm saying it is etc? Anyone got any advice as to best approach to take forwards and get V5? Thanks
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Easy folks, I'm 'Hirsty' and new on here.. I'm an old skool biker pushing 60 and made the move from Bike to Trike because I'm rattling in the back nowadays.
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- 1 follower
Yep. Hello there from sunny Sussex. Working in an Xv535 1991. My partners old bike. Been riding since 1986 but fell out of the habit for a few years when I developed a Chronic pain condition.. but figure, lifes too short to mope about and so its finally time to resurect my life and remove a partially dead bike from the living room I'm excited to get out and ride and live again, so... here I am. Nice to meet everyone.
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Hi all I looking to buy a dt175 project I don't have a reg or a v5 also I think it's a import can someone guide me on what I should also can anyone work out the build year by frame number.
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Hi everyone, I am a proud owner of a Yamaha Tricity. I have been doing general maintenance on my own and it's great to learn new things.
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Hi Everyone I'm Richard a new member from the UK Trying to remove the drive sprocket on my 2011 MT-03 660. Bent back the tabs on the tab washer but I can't seem to budge the nut. Don't have a pneumatic impact gun so using a 2 ft long bar, person on bike, both brakes on. Still no-go so I'm wondering if its a left hand thread or there's a trick I'm missing? Don't want to use heat as I have an O-Ring chain, plus not sure if there is a nearby output shaft seal or similar. Any suggestions gratefully received. Richard
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Hi guys, I am Jack I am a Polish guy who, 8 years ago, packed the family and moved from EU to Sri Lanka. It's not easy here for a bike in decent condition. Most of the pieces available on the market are crappy scooters made in India. However, I was lucky enough to finnd '78 Yamaha SR400 and 2002 Yamaha Virago xvs125. I also have in my garage Yamaha Chappy (age unknown). All of them are in the process of renovation/reconstruction, and it seems the previous owners were Copperfields of mechanics, as most of the original parts are missing. I am trying to do all the work myself, as engineering and mechanics have been my huge passions forever. It would be great t…
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- 1 follower
My first Yamaha was a 1980 XS850 Midnight Special the previous owner had installed lower bars and a bullet fairing. I wish I still had that one. The current project is a 1995 FZR1000 EXUP with 162 miles on it. It was "stored" (neglected) for 28 years. During the year it sat (neglected) in my garage, mice had filled it with dog food and damaged some of the wires. Long story short, the last thing before it's like a new bike is fork seals but I don't have 1995 manual/supplement to tell me the factory air space/oil lever for the KYB USD forks. I assume compressed with springs out. Anyone? Thanks, Danny
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- 1 follower
Hi Folks, I'm coming back to the fold on the 11th. After having an FZS1000 from 2009 to 2021 I swapped to a Ducati Monster 821 which I've had for the last 3 years but due to a leg injury and getting older I'm needing to move to something more comfortable. On Thuirsday this week (11th April) I collect a 2021 Tracer 7. 🙂
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Hello everyone, I have been interested in motorcycles and have been riding since I was 12 years old. Not very exciting motorcycles at the start but the highlight came already in 1975 when I bought a 1974 Yamaha LS2. The following year I got my license for light motorcycle and bought my second LS2 and in 1977 it became the RS100 which was a step down from the LS2. There has only been one more Yamaha, XT500 which I bought used in 1987. There have been many motorcycles over the years. Today I have four motorcycles and just bought a XS500D that needs a lot of repairs. Lives with my wife in Lillestrøm Norway and has worked with cars all my life. I'm not very good at English, b…
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Hello everyone, Just joined the club to see what goes on with a view to become a full member and thought I would introduce myself. Got my first bike at 17 in 1968, Yamaha C90 and over the years had many yamaha's including 2 fjr1300's, a Diversion 600 and 3 Tracers with the 9GT being the bike I'm now on two and a half years old with almost 18000 miles on it.I also have a Triumph bonneville t100(sorry if that's swearing on this forum) I joined the IAM when I reached 68 years old to see if I was still capable to ride and still riding at 72 so must be doing something right.
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Hi all, I bought my XSR-125 last October as a way to practice for my full licence and absolutely love it. I've got many more miles to put on it - given the recent weather it's been nicely tucked away and not been out to play as much as I would like. I passed my full test last week but intend to keep the 125 for this summer and do a bit of test riding of bigger bikes. I'm not looking to buy new and my back wont like me buying anything too racy. Any suggestions for a model to review will be greatly welcome - my trainer advised I dont shy away from the bigger bikes. It will be mainly used for weekend and not commuting. thanks Mark
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Not sure exactly how this all works, but just saying Hello as I'm new here. I'm new-ISH to riding, having "mucked around a bit" on friend's bikes when I was young and come back to do it properly later. I did my learning on a 1998 SR125, and having passed my full UK license a few years back, I got a bigger bike but still keep my beloved SR125 for local round town. She's old and a bit battered.. but then, so am I! LOL
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I have the above 51 year old bike which has been in store for 15 years or more. It is in fair condition and the engine turns over the brakes operate. I am wondering whether to sell it on as is or do a full job on it to bring it right up to standard. I know very little about the model and if I can get any necessary parts or a workshop manual? How many of this model were made and what it’s value might be. Any info gratefully received, Ian.
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