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Forum Help

For all help and support questions relating to the use of the forum

  1. Started by jrhendryx,

    for some reason, I am suddenly having problems with the way that forum threads show up. They used to show up with all posts in full. Now they are showing up as "posts in this thread." Its weird. I can see other people's posts, but only if I click on the link. Is everyone else experiencing this? *edit* I figured it out literally 90 seconds after I posted that. Under options, display mode, I switched to standard instead of outline.

    • 5 replies
  2. Started by adchrome,

    Hi All...I am Gary Downs from AD Chrome, I just paid the Membership and want to know if Vendors are able to Advertise in a Vendor Area.... We are a Family Owned shop in Lake Elsinore,Ca and offer Great Prices on Custom Chrome Star Products, right now we offer Vstar 650 - 1100 Parts and will Add more bikes to our Lineup in the Future We offer Custom engraving on all our Parts also, don't know of anyone else that offers this service..Also we Ship Worldwide Hope you Allow Vendors on this Site...If not My Apologies

    • 2 replies
  3. Started by Billy Balthorpe,

    I can not post in the wanted section, i have heard that it is because i'm not a sponsor of the site, i say "heard" because i can not find any details of the email that explained it. The links to it here http://www.yamahaclub.com/ and here http://www.yamahaclub.com/ do not go anywhere. This all seems to have started when i joined, i posted in the wanted section and then the rules were changed so you needed a certian amount of posts, i reached the required amount (not through meaningless posts) and posted again, then the rules were changed so you had to apparently subscribe to the site. Any further plans in the wings? Where are the details for the subscription charge? …

    • 5 replies
  4. Started by PeterC,

    There have been a couple of topics recently that I have been searching for again but can't find them, using the forum search facility. Yes I realise it could be me One was how to fit a connector into a Tomtom One to be able to use an earpiece. It even had a circuit diagram. The other was someone in a topic mentioning that they cut and stitched their own panniers - or were doing it. If anyone can remember what the topics were or can point me in the right direction so that I can get it via the search facility I would be most grateful.

    • 8 replies
  5. Started by blackhat250,

    Why it is u cannot P.M. More than once in a given time [ doh]

    • 3 replies
  6. Started by smgordon1259,

    how do you upload pictures for an album? it keeps asking for an HTTP:// address or tells me I do not have permission

    • 6 replies
  7. Started by TheSaffer,

    Hi, I am unable to enable HTML in the video section. Could you please show me exactly where to enable HTML??? This is what I see on screen... Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    • 3 replies
  8. Started by Billy Balthorpe,

    Any idea why i cant post in the Wanted section anymore? I have posted there before but now it says that i do not have permission to post there?

    • 7 replies
  9. Started by swanny,

    Hello ive paid my subscription thingy, but how do i go about using the for sale section ? Many thanks

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  10. Started by ulster exile,

    Before anybody asks, I did try the search function and couldn't find an answer! I recently had an email from the forum about membership status and i think it mentioned being a sponsor to view certain areas of the site but have deleted it and now want to read it again. Yes, I am a bit of an eejit Is it somewhere on the forum that I can read again?

    • 7 replies
  11. Started by 1979xs4002f,

    Hi, I'm new to the group and was wondering if you allow photos to be upload to the members rides albums or our personal gallery, I have a clean 79 xs4002-F that I'd love to show off but can't seem to find a way to post pics. Thanks in advance for your help

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