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  1. Started by Cfitzgerald45,

    Hi, I just bought a Yamaha tzr 50 and the speedo is in kmh, is there anyway to change it to mph?? Cheers Chris

  2. Started by marc c,

    i have a Yamaha ybr and the tyre sizes are ''front Tyre size is 2.75 - 18 42P and the Rear Tyre size is 90/90 - 18M/C 57P'' i want to replace the tyres with a K41 3.00 - 18 TT 52p (this is the link http://www.tyres-pneus-online.co.uk/motorcycle-tyres-HEIDENAU/K41/3.00,-1,-18,52,P,RF.html ) will this tyre fit both back and front tyre?? if not which tyres would be recommended for off road use??

  3. Started by Barna,

    Hi , my name is Barna , from Brasil , I'm, too a happy owner MT 03. If you need news from Brazil or about our motorcycles don't hesitate.

    • 1 reply
  4. Started by oxygeneuk,

    I have a '86 fz750 which I have just replaced the 1986 1fn engine with a1989 2mg engine complete with digital ignitor to suit. (Digital Ignitor is TID14-56 2MG-10) Does anyone own a 2mg engined bike using this ignitor that could tell me the position of the 5 wires that connect to the ignitor from the loom, and also which wiring diagram they use. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have been unable to find a wiring diagram for the '89 2mg. Thanks.

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  5. Started by fuzz,

    gooday yall, looking for info on xs 650's in what year did they come out with the decompressor, were they xs1 or the xs1b is there anyone out there with this info also were the years made in the frame or blocke numbers cornfused fuzz

    • 1 reply
  6. Started by ACAFFAIR,

    Hi, Thinking about purchasing a 2010 /11 FJR1300 A . I have absolutely no experience with Yamaha's What should i look for when checking these bike over as i'm sure there must be some faults as with any bike. Thanks

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  7. Hello, I've just aquired a 1989 YZ250W, the frame has been repainted and so I need to know what location i can find the VIN / Serial #s, also I know that WR means wide ratio, but when ther is no R , what dose just the W stand for?. Thanks Littleone.

    • 2 replies
  8. Started by Poirot,

    I've just bought a 1994 Yamaha XJ900F (4BB) as a non-running winter project. I got it home on the back of trailer, topped-up the oil and connected it to my car battery. Sure enough, it started first time ! It sounds a little rough, but after 115,000km who wouldn't ? New battery and spark plugs arrive today. We'll see if that makes any difference. I have the opportunity to buy a complete spare engine with just 44,000km on the clock .... a good idea ? It seems cheap at 100 euros. Please advise. Thx.

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  9. Started by loopy221,

    Hi all and im into my first yam restoration and looking for ideas on the wrangler colours in the Pro-Am series Blue and White ideas where I can get a picture? Cheers loopy 221

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  10. Started by luv2ridemy1100,

    Just joined he club so I thought I would introduce myself to everyone. My name is Steve and I live in a small town in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. I currently own a 1982 750 Virago with 112,000 km and still going strong as well as a 1987 Virago 1100 Gold Edition with 60,000 km (my baby). We have a tradition here that every Friday the 13th, bikers from all over converge on the tiny community of Port Dover Ontario. I will be there (God willing) and look forward to meeting a few thousand like minded riders. Y'all have a wonderful day now!!!

    • 2 replies
  11. Started by Cymraeg_Atodeg,

    I joined this forum in 2008 when I was doing my DAS. The "handle" I have I don't want anymore and I was wondering if it was possible to change it and keep the same account or do I need to make a new one? Cheers

    • 10 replies
  12. Hope someone can help here. I have a YBR 125, which has run very well up to now. It has just done 4000 mls. On a recent trip after about 20 mls I stopped the bike and returned after about 15 mins. The bike started as normal, but then cut out after about 100 yds. It would not start after that. I left the bike to return with a trailer, and it was left for about 2 hrs. When I returned the bike started and I rode it home (about 20 mls) without a hitch. Whats going on here. Also some time ago the Tachometre packed in and the bike shop couldn't find the problem. Is there a connection here, or are these separate faults. If so has anyone an explanation for either or b…

    • 5 replies
  13. Started by peterb1951,

    Why does this flag up when I try to like a comment when I have never liked any topic before? (You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day) Peter Bainbridge

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  14. Started by deza68,

    Would just like to Hi say to everyone as I'm new to the club

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  15. Started by miruku,

    Hi all,just joined.Not owned a bike for 25 years and have just bought a 1987 yamaha fzx 750 with a 1000cc genesis engine fitted.I have no paperwork or info on what year the engine is,would i be right in thinking it is a fzr unit,because if i want to replace the engine anyone know what year of engine i could use without loads of mods.Also as to yet bought a few bits and pieces for the bike,but seem to come to a dead end looking for 4into2 down pipes.Any info would be greatly received however small.Love this bike and want to put it back to a very high standard of finish as i will never sell it.Anyone who has changed engines as above,i would like to talk to.Thank you all for…

    • 1 reply
  16. Started by Jayk,

    HI all, might sound stupid but how do i upload phots on here??? Thanks

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  17. Started by chainsmokinjo,

    hey guys new here, howzit going. I have some motard wheels off a 2000 model wr 400. Just wondering if anyone knew what other road trail bikes these wheels would fit?

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  18. Started by Wacko paulie,

    First post, got a yamaha dtx 125 looking for a 174 bore kit, reed block an 34mm carb, any ideas where the best place to get them cheap is?

  19. Started by redlinner,

    hi folks. my name is cameron from the north east of england. i'm new to the forum so please be gentle with me! question. i have just bought a 1982 xv 750se american import to restore. can anybody help me? i have found that the left fork leg is about 1" longer than the right! is this normal as i cant imagine someone deliberatly putting different length forks on. and would putting the oil filter cover on upside down cause the oil to not flow to the heads? reason i've seized 2 rear heads because of lack of iol. thanks

    • 2 replies
  20. Started by BlackStar,

    Can anyone advise the best type of heat shield for my 650's exhaust pipes? However careful I am every now and then I forget and boy does it ever hurt! Thank goodness for leathers, but even they're lookimg a bit scorched now! Thanks in advance. BlackStar

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