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MT-10SP, MT-10, MT-09SP, MT-09, MT-07, MT-03, FZ1S, FZ1N, TDM900, XT660, XJ6S, XJN6N, FZ6S, FZ6N, Scorpio

  1. Started by cornishgolfer,

    anyone else seen that rather tasty FJR on ebay

    • 10 replies
  2. Started by dannyboy123,

    My r6 has dunlop a 204 fitted to the rear and a 207 on the front . I havent been riding long and dont know if it is the weather but these tires dont seem to be giving me the grip I need and I want to replace them . What do you people recommend as a good all round tire. Thanks

    • 6 replies
  3. Started by casey,

    Let my 1984 xs400 twin sit for a couple of months because of the rain in the Pacific Northwest. I recently started it up and let is run for several minutes while I went inside. When I came out, the bike had stopped running and I haven't been able to start it since. I pulled the plugs (real new) and they were black and oily looking. I cleaned them and the bike still won't start. The starter button won't begin to turn the engine over, so I am charging the battery now. Are there any other ideas out there that might help me get this thing started? Something to put in the gas tank in case the gas is bad, etc. Thanks for any help I get on this matter.

    • 1 reply
  4. Does anyone have, or know where I can get the following items: High rise down pipe for an R1 1998 (scorpion race can). Spacer for rear foot peg to be able to retain this after exhaust is fitted. Exhaust bracket. Brian

    • 0 replies
  5. Started by fazer1000,

    ive just bought a parralell impoert fazer 1000 and my frame no starts jyarn141 how can i find out if its a full power import or a throttled down one from say france

    • 0 replies
  6. Started by cornishgolfer,

    Morning all. My first visit and post here. After being in the US for 8 years now, and missing biking from back in the UK, I have the hankering for a bike again. MY good friend, a non biker, has just got a nice second hand HD Sportster thingy. Now let me just say that if you like that sort of thing...fine with me, BUT, it aint my cuppa tea! So have been thrashing around, wondering and pondering what to get and am sort of narrowing it down. Went to a local dealer that had a cpl of '06 ST's. After my '93 trophy, they felt way too sporty for me. Little did I know, DUH, that there arent any Trumpet Trophies any more. There didnt appear to be much wind protect…

    • 11 replies
  7. Started by Twisted2004,

    As i'm sick of that damn DT125lc, i've decided enough is enough i need to get a better bike! Been using my car to get to work for the past few weeks and its really painful being stuck in traffic! on the bike it was taking me 25-30mins in hell traffic, by car it takes minimum 50mins! So the theory test is booked, as soon as thats done the test is getting booked. Ideally i'd like it all done in about a month or so. I;ve been thinking at what bike to buy, starting off thinking about getting a sports 400 FZR, CBR or VFR. But then overnight i've decided i think i should get a commuter type. Why??... i dont know?? i think i'm trying to be sensible?? Anyways, im thi…

    • 35 replies
  8. Started by Cobalt,

    Hi everyone I have just bought a new 2005 R1 and I have to say that I am delighted with it. I was just wondering what everyones suggestions were for running it in. So far I have done around 100 miles and, as the manual recommends I have been doing my best to keep her below 7000rpm but I have heard conflicting opinions about wether its better to follow the manual or to use more of the rev range. Any opinions/advice would be greatfully received. Cobalt

    • 2 replies
  9. Started by latenightcustom,

    Hey guys and gals, I have this bike siting in the back of my shop. Its a 600cc 86 or 87 yamaha sport bike. What could it be? Where can I find information on the bike. There are no body panles or modle number. Is there a vin decoader because there is a Vin on the bike. There is only 13K on the bike but it has been sitting a long time and needs a ton off work. As of now it needs tires carbs body parts keys and a title LOL. What is the bike worth. Thanks Jordan

    • 5 replies
  10. Started by R1 ROSS,

    Hi everyone,ive just brought a 2001 r1 and ive got a poblem.when i let of the throttle i get a terrible rattling noise coming from the exup valve ,.When i pull the wire going into the valve it seems to improve the rattle.Any ideas what could be wrong?

    • 7 replies
  11. Started by Del,

    I'm considering the FZ6 as a replacement for my GS650G. I'm 6'3", 240 pounds. I have no problem doing 500+ mile days on the GS. Any big guys out there on this bike? Is this bike comfortable for big guys on all day rides? Thanks much, Del

    • 3 replies
  12. Started by JohnR6,

    This new BLACK 2005 R1 looks the biz man!!!

    • 20 replies
  13. Started by Beezkneez,

    Please dont crucify me lads, but i've just bought some rim trims for the exup, i know it isnt exactly floppy ears but they do look cool red for the front and white for the rear

    • 13 replies
  14. Started by 2005r1aust,

    Ha all, I have purchased a 2005 R1 and want to change the exhaust, Im not sure which one i want though because there seems to be 1000's out there and no real standouts. Blue flame seem nice but i cant find any real data on power increase or DB ratings. Yoshi? Arrow?

    • 2 replies
  15. Started by madandy,

    It is now time that i replace the FZ600 with something a little newer .I want a bike to commute to and from work each day , then on a Wednesday night go to the local bike meet (lotsa drag racing up the dual carriageway and country lanes with the odd wheelie attemptthrown in for good measure) then theres the longer runs on the motorway and going to meets a little further afield.Oh and then theres the early weekend ride with my 6 year old daughter thats the calm ride .Ilooked at a Suzuki TL1000r but think maybe just alittle too different, checked the insurance and cant do thr r1 thing so i thought of the r6 ,can any of you r6 owners give me a clue how fast top end ,what are…

    • 8 replies
  16. Started by derrick,

    I have just purchased a 1983 venture royal. I presently have no top end speed. This bike sat for a couple years outside so I cleaned the carbs inside and out. No difference. Can anyone assist me in the proper setup or where to go from here. Thank You

  17. Started by allsportcycleguy,

    Does anyone know if a triple tree off a R-1 will fit a '98 YZF 750R????????????

  18. Started by Sir Tom Jones,

    hi everyone Just a bit of gossip about my name sir Tom Jones(aka damo) and im from Lowestoft, suffolk, 35years young and i have a thundercat (1st bike) i have had it since june last year still having loads of fun but now have got to get chain,sprockets and bits and bobs so ready for the sunshine i also have scooters(Vespas now now dont be like that its two wheels right) these are my first loves but the bike is catching up very quickly.Hope to meet a few more people to ride out with and general chat later in the year.I did registered the other day but my computer thought i have had enuf and closed me down then i couldnt get back on with my sign in so thanks for sorting tha…

    • 6 replies
  19. Started by robinho,

    Anyone know where I can get hand guards for a TDM 900 2004 model.

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  20. Started by DaveCatherall,

    Hiya, I bought myself a roadworthy Virago XV125 a few months ago and I had some good runs on it, now since it's run out of road tax I thought i'd declare SORN and not renew it just yet and get it in the garage to fix it up, fit new parts and give it a good clean. Does anyone have any pointers on where I can buy parts from and roughly how much, I deffinatley need a new chain, front and rear sprockets and because it's a German import i'd like a MPH speedo for it too. Anything is appriciated, thanks.

    • 1 reply