Yamaha Workshop
Seek advice and share knowledge on motorcycle repairs, modifications, and troubleshooting, or learn from the expertise of fellow mechanics and enthusiasts.
8,884 topics in this forum
I recently got my tires changed on my bike and the electronics started acting up. My horn, turn signals, headlight and back light to the tachometer and speedometer flicker and increase in intensity when I use either the back brake or the front brake. The horn does not work unless I also hold the brake. Also the turn signals stay a solid light instead of flashing like intended. I have been chasing wires and trying to locate a potential ground for the bike but I can't find any. The ground from the battery just joins up with a few other black cables that I assume are also grounds for the other electronic parts and are twisted together. I tried to clamp said cluster of cables…
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So, I'm seriously toying with the idea of a hypercharger, to finally complete the intake-fueling-exhaust chain and squeeze some more power out of the 650. The thing I'm apprehensive about of course is the rejetting of the carbs. Seen a video of it being done to the specific bike, doesn't look *too* difficult. I'd like to ask Noise: how much fiddling with the carbs did you have to do to get it right mate?
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Recently purchased. Looking to get back to original. Or close. It's had its fair share of bodges by the look of it. Current on the truck going home. Looking at it I've got fuel leaking from the exhaust port. Going to have a good luck when I get home. Any ideas? Stuck float? Also can anyone point me in the right direction for parts I. E plastics original looking headlight. Anyou information on the model year and similarities or differences to older dt 175? would also give me better insight. I'm struggling to find a good source of information. Sorry it's long winded. Regards Kevin
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Hello guys, maybe you will be able to help me. I own Yamaha SR125 '2000. Engine starts no problem, working smooth but.... When i accelerate I can feel vibration on whole bike but probably originated from the engine. When hand off of the throttle vibrations get lower. I feel it especially on low rpm when on higher gears. I checked it with the mechanic, I thought it maybe steering head bearings or wheel bearings but mechanic said there is a little play on head but nothing major. Wheel bearings are ok. He said bike is burning oil (but no blue smoke yet). Front tyre need to be replaced because is worn uneven, but i don't think that is the main problem. So what you guys think …
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Hey guys, Ive been following this page for a good while now and finally decided to become a member. My names Colm, 23 and Im an XVS125 Owner, and this my first bike (Hoping to jump up to at least a 250 soon). Recently my xvs has been acting up and i was wondering if i could get some help? Sorry in advance for the long post or if i call something by the wrong name, I'm new to most of this. I just got the bike back from the mechanic after getting my tippets adjusted, carbs cleaned, oil changed ect and he informed me i would need a new starter motor. So being a broke student and already after pumping so much money into this bike i decided to take on the job …
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Asking here as I can't find a Honda forum that has any activity. Noticed a small patch of fluid by the front wheel of my ST1300 on Tuesday, initially thought it was a leaking brake pipe but I have now traced it back to being the fork seal. I am reasonably mechanically minded but know little about forks. The left fork leg is weeping fluid, if the bike is on the side stand I get a small patch after about an hour, if I put it on the centre stand I get no weeping or patch. Is the fluid level in a fork supposed to be higher than the seals so that it leaks when on the side stand? Waiting for the Haynes manual to arrive so that I can have a look at the w…
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Me and my father have half in a Yamaha Rs125 DX any one know where I could get a new seat from? Any help for sites for the parts would be alot of help as I don't seem to be able to find any that do anything other then the same bits and bobs like the simple generic things, Thanks Guys in advance Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
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Hello, Sorry if there is already a topic on this and sorry if this makes no sense. I recently bought a 2000 Yamaha R6 with the oil light constantly on. I unplugged the single wire going to the oil level switch and the oil light goes out. I checked the voltage to the oil switch and there is 12 volts going to the switch. I then removed the oil switch and checked the continuity by turning it upside down. When the switch is in the normal up right position, there is no continuity and the oil light is off but when I turn it upside down there is continuity and the oil light comes on. I was just wondering if anyone could confirm I'm testing the switch correctly? I thou…
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I've just had to fit a new chain and sprockets to my bike again, I think I'm on my 3rd or 4th set now. I was going to do it myself but the weather has been terrible, constant rain and I don't have my own garage or shed. I got a really good quality set so hopefully it will last a bit longer. When I asked the mechanic that fitted it he said 125's do go through chains and sprockets a lot quicker than high capacity bikes, so it's normal for me to go through them pretty quick. I was debating whether or not to put a rear sprocket with more teeth on to give me more acceleration but after thinking about it I thought it would be pretty dumb. I didn't want to put any strain or pres…
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Help needed...! When splitting the cases to fix a slipping starter clutch.. where are the bolts #s 21, 22, 23 hide.. I hoping not under the head!! If so any quick way to compete as i do not want to dissasemble the cams/valves.. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
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I have a 1977 lb80 II I am restoring. I just bought the 4th oversived piston (+1.00 mm) for fun but i need to know how big to bore the cylinder. Please help
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hi, to all you Yamaha members and owners out there. one of my bikes a divvy 600 and ive done a lot with it over the last 3 months. its been stood outside for 2 years waiting to be re built and 3 months ago I thought id find the time to do it. Ive had to build a shed next to the garage first to put it in. anyway it just about all done exept the big chunky tread tyres im putting on it. the only problem ive come across and id like some help with it is the ignition wire to the red light. I wired the two ignition wires up to the light and when I turn key the first turn the light comes on , when I press the starter the engine starts but the light stays on instead of going out. …
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Hi guys, iv got a ymaha xt 125 on 56 plate, it broke down on me the other day and wouldnt start, iv sorted that bit out, but in the process i was stupid enough to listen to some cowboys that think they no it all, how can i reset all the carb back to how it should be, coz iv messed about with everything that moves, ie jets, screws, basically anything that will move, iv moved, and now all i get is a cough from it when i try to start it, so im guessing iv not got something in the right place, how can i reset everything? Please bare in mind im not very mechanically minded Thanks guys
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Hi all i have just joined as i have no where else to turn to and hope this will be a great help in sorting my bike issue out as i so wish to feel the experance of my yaham on the road.The problem i have is i have a yamaha ybr125 2007 injection model i can start the bike and it runs ok while standing you can rev it up go through the gears with no problems of cutting out,once i sit and start riding it with in 5/10 seconds it cuts out but will start again on the button,the things i have tried so far is side stand kill switch i disconnected and bridged the wires,disconnected the ignition barrel and bridge there wires the bike still runs but still cuts out when riding but not …
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I think this is all related to the engine trouble warning light thing. Anyway got a new battery recently and it was fine. Then it lost its charge so I fully charged it and it was fine for a few weeks. Now it has gone flat again. I already changed the rectifier so it's not that. Any ideas guys?
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Can anyone help? front brake light switch packed up,bought a new one,fitted it,with difficulty. Brake light stays on,switch did work before i fitted it. Anyone help.MOT due soon.
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Hello, does anyone know if I can buy stainless steel rims and spokes for my 1999 650 Dragstar,, and if so, where from ? Thanks......
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Hi, I just bought a Yamaha YBR 125 Custom and I have a problem with the indicators.When I insert the key the indicators works perfectly. But when I turn the engine on,the indicators are flushing chaotic.And the worst part,when I accelerate,the indicators doesn't work anymore.The indicators are flushing again when I release the throttle. It's my first bike and I don't know how to deal with this issue.
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I'm wanting to fit a better front brake and wondered what options there are. I don't want to totally overwhelm the front end so maybe a cbr600 caliper but then I'd need a different master cylinder, so maybe not ! Any suggestions please!
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Ok, this afternoon that rear wheel has been in and out soooooooo many times but I now have all the measurements for the spacers and such. Just wanted to ask, more to confirm my own opinion. The chain run is a mile off with the wheel centred, like 7-8mm. so I know I can get 3mm from using a zxr250 front sprocket (same dimentions but 3mm offset) but to get it to fit real nice and keep it neat I'm going to get the sprocket carrier turned down by 4mm, I can get a mm or 2 with the wheel spacers too. So what do we think about taking 4mm from the sprocket carrier, the sprocket runs on a machined pcd face rather than being centred by the bolts like the tdr, it just mean…
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