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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Already seen the pic's Merv, great idea and looks well!
  2. For pictures Mark Open a photobucket account Upload your pics there with each pic you will see four fields Copy the IMG field Paste into the forum
  3. Airhead

    jet needles

    Nice! (good job its a twin then)
  4. Airhead

    CSA forms

    So funny they just have to be true
  5. Ive got to get some work glasses too from specsavers, trouble is ive lost my vouchers (but thats another story), i am so not looking forward to these safety specs, ive had them before and like you say Darren, they are the bottom of the range, i usually pay a heck of a lot of money for my lenses in order to get them to weigh something bearable, i know that these "safety glasses" are gonna weigh a ton, might have to get some scaffolding to hold my chin up
  6. Airhead

    biker rage

    Have you tried a small pair of stillson wrenches OT?
  7. What does this mean? how can it start then die then run in 2nd and 3rd, all very confusing to me!
  8. Be careful here though because most meters wont read zero when you touch the leads together! Touch them together on the 200 ohm range, note the reading and then do the measuring, subtract the noted initial reading from the measured reading to get an accurate measurement
  9. Doesnt sound right to me, where exactly is it coming from? usually theres a pipe from the pump that goes onto a spigot on the carb, are there any splits in this pipe? its not a good idea to ride until you sort this out!
  10. Airhead

    jet needles

    Just noticed that Drewpy, but did G man use the "Contact us" route? I would as its getting difficult, just cause theyre not listed does'nt mean they have none does it?
  11. Hi there, watched the vid's...and WOW...I want one, they look like one hell of a bike, lucky you!!
  12. Airhead


    ok i resisted last time but heres mine, he's Casper. Oldgit's equally old dog, when he's angry he can give a nasty suck as he hasnt got all his teeth left Oh and he's deaf as a post so not a great guard dog though.
  13. That'll do then, its more than many a car will give i'm in the new flasher relay camp too, just make sure youve got the correct voltage and wattage bulbs in though!
  14. Its not worth the bother trying to find a new set of forks, a brake caliper, a new wheel with a disk and a master cylinder, you'll soo be 17 and then it's goodbye to DT50 and hello something better. Your DT50 is such a lightweight bike the drum brake should have no trouble coping, pull your front wheel off and buy some brake/clutch cleaner from your local motor shop, give the drum a good spray and wipe out, you may notice a small raised ridge that has built up on the edge of the drum, get some coarse wet/dry and remove this ridge, grease the brake camshaft and remove any excess grease...and finally buy yourself some grooved EBC shoes from Wemoto, youl be amazed how good your little drum can be, my 175 has got drums and ive never had a problem in the 25 years ive had it!!
  15. Even a freezer bag and a rubber band will do, just to keep the damp air out of the exhaust.
  16. Wolfpack, sorry to hear of your predicament, you dont need to start the bike every other day, its debatable that you even need to start it at all, maybe just get a battery charger remove the battery and top it up every month. If you do want to start it you must run it until its very hot to avoid condensation in your engine and exhaust as Gas up said. If it were mine i'd just shove a rubber washing up glove over the exhaust, and remove and maintain the battery. EDIT Give any chrome work, wheels, forks, exhaust & silencer etc etc a good wipe down with WD40, theres nothing worse than to find your pride & joy has rust on it for the sake of 15 minutes work
  17. Airhead

    Site Update!

    Goff, I think you have mis-understood what i said (or at least what i meant), i didnt mean invite someone who does not visit the site to come in and start moderating here, what i said was ask a mod who has moved on to hand over the reigns. that way we will not have mods who havent been here for a long time and dont know the membership. I also think the poll of members would be a good idea, sort of a vote.
  18. Airhead

    Site Update!

    Just a thought, mods circumstances do change like everybodys do, why not invite a mod who is not visiting the site and is not likely to, to hand over the reigns after some pre defined time period, that way situations like this will be avoided in future.
  19. Edited for accuracy I'm stumped now , see what Jim says and keep your eyes open for yet another head, then call the bike medusa!!
  20. One thing i will say though, back in the day i had a honda CB175, i replaced all kinds of gaskets in the head, not long after that the head was trashed...the reason was one of the gaskets had a hole punched for an oil passageway to lubricate the camshaft, only the punched out gasket had not been cleared and was still there in the hole if you get my drift, so the camshaft journals didnt get lubed!...I dont suppose...
  21. so its happened twice but on a head that you never did anything to the valve guides, i wouldnt put a new valve in there no, thats just too much of a coincidence, maybe JimR can advise further.
  22. Brian, your first post said the valve and guide were mashed, Jim has assumed that you replaced both of them, now you say you just replaced the valve! Can you clarify this for us, did you put another valve in a "mashed" guide? Edit, sorry, re read and you robbed a valve from the original head and put it in a replacement head, you said it has developed a habit of snapping this valve, so has it snapped more than one?
  23. What year is it Brian? (and dont say 2008 )
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