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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. No, the only time they should start without choke is when the engine is warm, it must be rich at idle, however its not something to worry over...worry when its lean
  2. shouldnt leak, who replaced it? arent you using it anymore? gonna get a bigger bike and sell it?....all these questions
  3. i do, I do, I do want to know what he paid for it, but i'm sure if i asked him, he'd be a bit reluctant to tell me And besides, if some daft t**t is prepared to pay £132, thats their lookout, but this one is buy it now. not open to bids, thats the point!
  4. As TTaskmaster said the mixture is way too rich, theres no way you should be starting without choke, before you go adjusting the mixture screws though, check the air fiter, it hay be crappy and need blowing out, or even replacing, i think you should also have a look at your choke mechanism, try to see if its working correctly, after youve done this is the time to play with mixture screws
  5. Wow, now that really was a strole of luck, nice to hear it Yes the oil would give a better seal and improve compression, once its running, the increased engine speed plus the engines own oil supply would combine to keep it going.
  6. Dear gary1639, £125??? HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!! And the response Sorry if its out of your price range!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - gary1639 Y'know what would be funnier, If he got the same off you lot as off me
  7. Already have HaHaHaHa and so on and so on and so on!
  8. I often look through ebay for parts for my old bike, it F**king stinks how much some greedy speculating B**tards want for stuff, sure ..It WONT sell, but the cheek of it!!!! RIP OFF HERE!!!
  9. Try this, its quick and easy Take the plug out, squirt some oil in on top of the piston, this will help get a seal for compression, switch fuel to prime position, plug back in and try again
  10. Ok then, but even though its got nothing to do with your particular problemo If you run out of main tank fuel and dont switch to reserve the carbs will be emptied of fuel, followed shortly by the engine spluttering and dying. The engine will then not start again even if you switch to reserve because the fuel tap needs a running engine to develop enough vacuum to open it. The way out of this dilemma is to switch to prime position as this doesnt need vacuum to open the fuel flow, you can now re start your engine and switch to reserve until you fill your tank.
  11. Could be the battery, is the motor turning slowly on the starter? why not use some jump leads to a good battery to see if it improves
  12. Have you run out of fuel, have you tried switching to reserve? shows all the right symptoms!
  13. Yep...in the garage you had the side stand down when you selected 1st,... Doh!!...
  14. Airhead


    Helo and welcome Smiffyboy, im at the other end in Glossop, glad youre enjoying it, ive got a Quill can on my 600 Bandit, looks and sounds good but dont they all!
  15. It is posiible of course that your battery is past its best if its older than 3-4 years, as for charging, it might be a good idea to give it some charge yes, i dunno whether you have to remove it from the bike, it depends if you can get a connection in-situ! incidentally, is yur battery the type with plugs in the top, and if so do you you check and top up the distilled water?
  16. There must be something amiss then because theres no way it should need that and still not idle, i think it need the carbs balancing and possibly mixture adjustment too, I cant add more than that other than it might be in the workshop manual
  17. Yep, its the heated gloves that are doing it, your bike should cope with the other things though, if you filter and stop sitting there in the traffic it would be better (If you cant or wont filter , switch the gloves off because you wont need them due to no wind chill at 0mph)
  18. well its not that serious, it just means you need to adjust the throttle stop screw, i'm not familiar with these multi's but there will be one screw adjuster, possibly a type of thumbwheel affair somewhere between the carbs, this will open the throttle stop up a little to enable tick over, have a look for it.
  19. I'm sure it will be fine, the weather is exceptionally cold, just charge it once a month when not in use, it should be ok. The best bet if youre not using the bike is to remove it and take it indoors
  20. Airhead


    +3 Thats me too And passed it on to biker friends.
  21. No sorry i meant a cable that spins round and turns the inside the speedo (old school), not familiar with yours, it must be some sort of pulse counter device, all i can say is check the cables for continuity with a multi meter and make sure the cable plugs are clean and connected properly and that the sensor is seated correctly, not loose etc! also check is there a fuse for the speedo.
  22. If each end is unplugged at its connector, tacho+ignitor box, is it then that you are getting this continuity between wires?
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