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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Airhead


    Youre unlucky to get a new dud plug, cant happen often. The numbers a a manufacturers code for heat range thread size and length etc, Why what?
  2. Yes PTFE tape should be ok with petrol, be sure to wind it on in a clocwise direction when holding the thread with the left hand. Why not buy a new item and regard this as a temporary fix.
  3. If it is an air mixture screw, ie on the filter side of the throttle slide, then screwing it in will make it richer However, if it is a fuel mixture screw, ie on the engine side of the throttle slide, then screwing it in will make it leaner
  4. Sounds like either water in the carb or a blocked pilot jet, either way its a carb strip and clean.
  5. Airhead


    Nice one Scott, looks a great project bike
  6. Here is the 6 wire CDI and Magneto And here is the 7 wire CDI
  7. Airhead

    New Poster

    Hi Paul nice to hear from you, that bike really does look like a lot of fun and you got it for F-all...nice, see what you mean about the mirrors tho...Gawd
  8. There are only two adjustments that you can make from outside the carb. The idle screw ( Throttle stop screw ) adjusts the speed of the idle. The idle air screw adjusts the idle mixture. This is only at idle and does not effect anything above idle. Here is another method to adjust it. Screw the air screw in and out until you get the highest idle speed. Then lower the idle speed with the idle screw and do it again until you get the best idle. If you can't get it to idle, or rather the idle stays real high then drops off and dies, check for an air leak at the carb manifold. Squirt some gas or starting fluid on the manifold and see if the revs change. If they do, you have a leak. If your valves clearances are too tight, it will also effect the idle.
  9. 5 wires doesn't sound enough, from what I've read there should be either 5 or 6, read this Here
  10. Airhead

    New bike

    Not foolin anyone y'know
  11. Airhead

    New bike

    Look a great bike, bet its good in the twisties being nice n light, is that a nitro kit disguised as a can of red bull there?
  12. Yorkshireman wants a headstone making for his late wife, and he asks the mason to carve 'She was thine' on it. When he goes back a week later the headstone reads 'She was thin' "No you idiot" he complains, "you've missed the 'E' off" So he goes back a week later and looks at the stone, which now reads ...... 'E she was thin'
  13. Airhead

    Evening all

    Great to have you on board radar, been looking at your FZ600 thread, interesting stuff
  14. Nice clean bike there OT, will have to pass on the primark window thing...well for you anyway
  15. Did it tap even if the bike was stationary?
  16. Ayup...Tetley bitter men , If yer cant beat em...join em
  17. A bloke from Yorkshire goes to the jewellers: He says, "Can tha mek a gold statue o' mi dog?". "Aye, reckon a can," sez the jeweller. "Does tha want it eighteen carat?". "Neigh," sez bloke, "I want it chewin' a bone."
  18. Come to think of it...Number 2 might be good advice for imanupstart...i mean, with his track record with "passengers of the foot"
  19. If any passenger of the foot tries to obstacle my passage he's gonna get more than a melodious tootle from me i'll have you know
  20. Hi Marc, that makes a refreshing change, welcome to the forum
  21. They wouldnt get far though!
  22. Airhead

    Wanna help me?

    en tien van me too, good luck je prachtige jonge ding.
  23. You been on the wine again OT ?
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