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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Nice one, lets hope for some good weather this year, enjoy your new ride
  2. If you are using the bike on the road you will be using a restricted one until you pass your test (so the law says). when you pass your test you can de- restrict it and tune it, maybe even buy new decals, have a look on Google, I'm sure you will find lots of info, some of the guys on here who have them may be along to talk about them too, you can also get them in supermoto form DTR125X DTR125
  3. Hi Donny, have you got and can you use a multimeter? You can indeed jumper the horn to the battery, pull off both wires from the horn first, but bear in mind that your battery must be in tip top condition to operate the horn, I would even go so far as to say that your engine must be running and revving slightly to raise the voltage enough to operate the horn. Mine doesn't work usually until I start the bike, I can hear it try, but doesnt quite do it.
  4. Dont try too hard, its the wrong bike with the wrong tyres!
  5. Brightly polished ally and jacked up arse end for seconds.............
  6. Not worth the bother i dont think, just get a DT125 and save yourself a lot of grief.
  7. Airhead

    baby drag

    we need more info, did it splutter a bit and die or did it give no warning and just cut out, was it raining hard, did it immediately start back up or did you have to wait a while, has it happened again since, have you jusf filled the tank before this...any info might help
  8. Airhead

    baby drag

    Have you got a full tank of fuel, or did you just forget to switch to reserve?
  9. +1 ........locate the switch, spray with WD40 and pull the spring down/push it back up several times until it works properly. Another thing to consider is whether the brake cam is getting stiff in the backplate, shove it back and forth with your hand to test if it's free, it should return without being pulled back.
  10. I'm just going off what ive seen, the seats dont look exactly the same to me, you would have to get part numbers to confirm this, however maybe the covers will do one or the other, thats not something i have experience with. If you say it looks ok why not use it, just so long as it doesnt have any 'ears' when you fit it
  11. Now where can I find some JB weld in mexico city...Try Here or google Any thoughts regarding the shifter from anyone? Have the splines gone on the shaft, may need a new shaft and lever if this is so...or another bodge job!!
  12. Thats because not enough fuel is reaching the engine, strip and clean the carb...all of it, buy yourself an aerosol carb cleaner and blow out with compressed air if you can. pay particular attention to the pilot jet
  13. You may find you can take the choke off when riding at 1/2 throttle or more Check plenty of fuel in tank Strip carb and check pilot jet isn't blocked
  14. Anyway, did I tell you the one about the snail?? A snail walks into a bar and the barman tells him there's a strict policy about having snails in the bar and so kicks him out. A year later the same snail appears and says, "What did you do that for? "
  15. Seriously, I think you should re-do the bodge job and this time do it properly, get that stuff off and clean off all traces of oil with something like acetone (or similar strong solvent), then re do it, have a word with our Goff who will extol the vitues of JB Weld, which I hear is very good stuff, then get rid of it and be done with it!!
  16. Airhead

    baby drag

    Hello and welcome to the forum, quite a few drag owners here mate, you will get lots of good advice and knowlege, ride safe to you too
  17. There must be other places in Ireland, including the north...surely!
  18. Get a quote from piston broke engineering 0117 941 2300
  19. Youre right about the two teeth increase this will give more top speed but its never going to be much faster then a comfortable 65, but anyway these arent a motorway bike as they are far too light and as you sit there in an upright position you present a very big frontage for the wind which doesnt help with top speed., I cant remember how restrictive standard end cans are maybe a little but i do remember that half the total weight of your bike is there in that end can so i siggest you take it off, wrap it up carefully and lose it up the loft somewhere and get yourself something like This After that i would just suggest you strip the carb down and give everything a good clean. as for the reeds, you need to make sure they are not curved and not seating, fibre reeds do have a shelf life and eventually the adopt this curve and wont seat properly., Also have a look at the filter screen in the fuel tap (petcock) just unscrew the bowl and its in there. Thats about it, after youve done all your going to you could try a plug chop test to see if the jetting is right....good luck with it
  20. Hi sezian, welcome to the forum, I'm gonna tune mine this year too, I've got a ported barrel to fit, a Gianelli expansion pipe, a new Mikuni VM28 round slide carb, boyessen 2 stage reeds, all ready to fit am also on the look out for a spare airbox to modify and fit a K&N filter, got most of the parts but havent started on the work yet.
  21. Thats not bad, thats one of the best jokes im ever gonna tell
  22. As men age, we start seeing more and more of the medical world and its employees, which nowadays seems to have more and more women as our Physicians and Therapists, etc., and in this case a new Urologist for me. My family Doctor just recently referred me to a just out of medical school female urologist. I saw her yesterday, and she's absolutely drop-dead gorgeous... as well as unbelievably sexy. She told me that I must stop masturbating. I asked her why, and she said, "Because I'm trying to examine you......"
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