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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. So...youre another one who didnt read the post fully...
  2. Hi, forgive me for asking but Has it run out of fuel....switch to reserve??? Well you gotta start somewhere...
  3. Airhead


    Hi Saviola, for spares you could also try Fowlers of Bristol, or Granby motors, both these dealers are good for spares (old bikes) Welcome to the forum ....Paul
  4. No way this is an adjustment problem, there will be a valve inside the pump, I would guess its a ballbearing and spring type of valve. The purpose of this would be to stop the oil free flowing from the tank to the engine...I suspect your valve may be passing, never stripped mine down so cant help with the details. ...Paul
  5. Click the 'Options' button, then set the 'Display Modes' to Standard.
  6. can you possibly find out the part numbers to see if they are the same?. failing that you might have to take some accurate measurements of the wheel (and spindle) and ask the seller to do the same. ...Paul
  7. I cant figure out from the drawing how the screw adjuster works but i suppose it somehow turns the actuator, is the clutch cable disconnected from it, try moving the actator arm while attempting to undo this screw. As for the clutch centre nut you will need a tool to hold the thing still while you undo the nut, something like this or in the past in the days before laser cutting i have made my own out of a bit of flat bar Its used like this I assume the engine is stripped and the cylinder is off, with the home made locking device you will need to lock the crankshaft, pass a bar (just smaller than the piston pin and quite long) through the small end eye, place two blocks of wood across the crankcase mouth and allow the crank to turn until the pin rests on the wood blocks. Take great care that the outer drum segment are not unduly strained, theyre easily bent or broken and with such an old bike will be difficult to replace ...Paul
  8. Airhead

    UK dealers

    I thought the little Honda was a great looking bike...until Yamaha brought theirs out, I know which one I would want. All this stuff about dealers!!! when i started out all I could afford was second hand and no help from dad, was well chuffed with my bikes though and fixed and serviced them myself.
  9. Do you want me to try it for you John?
  10. Good find, i always did like the commando
  11. I dont understand this statement, how do you know its getting too much fuel, it will be louder without the original airbox and filter Bit of a contradiction here? The removal of the filter has likely made it run lean, may require a bigger jet now or risk overheating and possible engine damage but i'm not convinced you suddenly developed a carb problem with this bike Heres an easy one to try...Replace the spark plug, check the gap in the plug fitted at the moment too, and also replace the HT cap with the correct resistance replacement before any more tinkering with the carb.
  12. Thats odd, mine dont..
  13. This is getting confusing, Radiator cap??
  14. You made two topics of your own,,,now you cant? Here and Here
  15. more likely a loose connector than a duff stator, start with connections inside the headlamp unit.
  16. It is probably the opposite of what you think (rich running) When you snap open the throttle you will lose air speed through the carb venturi, this in turn will cause a pressure increase, this pressure increase means there is not enough suction to draw fuel through the needle jet momentarily and engine revs will increase only slowly. Same thing goes for speed bumps, in the eyes of a little DT a speed bump is a big hill and the corresponding action of opening the throttle to scale such hill also causes the same problem...try changing down a gear for large speed bumps...
  17. Great pic ShoKz, love the 'mohecan'...
  18. might need a suitable flywheel puller and a chain wrench to hold the flywheel when the centre nut is undone...maybe even a torque wrench for re assembly.
  19. Airhead

    gyt kit

    Never heard of em...sorry cant help!
  20. Airhead


    Glad to hear it wasnt worse mate, write a letter to the authorities, It could have been much worse and should have been cleaned up properly, especially as it was hidden from view.
  21. Cool!!! Looks like its running a bit lean at the end though.
  22. Ok but it might not need adjusting at all, if its been sitting as a non runner for a while the clutch plates may very well have stuck together...a common occurrance. Try this Run the bike for a while to warm up the oil switch engine off select 3rd gear, pull in clutch rock the bike back and forth, hopefully you will get it to move without turning the motor (enlist some help here) If that fails youre gonna have to drain the oil, remove the clutch cover case and strip down the clutch to free the plates, not a big job or overly complicated on these bikes. This might be the best option anyway as you can replace the transmission oil while youre at it. Good Luck.
  23. I know, but the Garda will avenge themselves on other bikers, become keener and more arsey!!...others might pay for that IMO
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