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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. you could always paint them and fit new decals, I did mine with rattle cans and they look good if you put time into it.
  2. You need to ask yourself this, is the shape of the head where the gasket sits...exactly symetrical? I douubt it and would think its on the right way. Also, that 'boss' looks like it overhangs so gasket wont be doing anything under it, can you confirm this?
  3. Welcome aboard Ricardo, there is now a 'Sticky' on this topic in the Workshop forum. ...Paul
  4. ok Ryan, if you find it i'll make it sticky...BUT make sure its accurate and complete plz, if it isnt, then like I said raise a new one and add any links etc that will be useful.
  5. Good idea Cynic, if you...Ryan09, or any other DT125 (watercooled) gurus can come up with the goods and post as a new topic, then I'll make it sticky.
  6. I'm not riding my bike much....who do I tell?
  7. Does it go from the intake manifold (or the engine side of the throttle slide on the carb) to the fuel tap?
  8. seems an odd one Brian, not familiar with the bike in question, how does it run before it conks out, is it 4 stroking, is the choke disengaging properly too?
  9. Here's one from the master but just LOOK what he's wearing
  10. Just watched the videos, what great fun! I like the headlamp idea, an on-board night time video would show it off well.
  11. Looking good well done, i think our 'Drewpy' will be wanting one of those, would be a hoot on scout camp weekends. Hows the cooling though, not a lot of air circulation due to the seat right in front of the engine, maybe a watercooled R6 next time eh? ... ...Paul
  12. Welcome to the forum c3llblock Its hard to say for sure without seeing the problem first hand, But things to check are 1: The pilot jet is not blocked 2: The throttle stop screw is not missing or unscrewed too far (This lifts the throttle slightly to allow the motor to idle) 3: Engine crankcase seals have gone, this will cause poor running. ...Paul
  13. Airhead


    The chemical factory i used to work in used phosgene back in the day, it usually fell to me to strip and repair the phosgene flowmeter when it packed in, It must have been because i could hold my breath the longest I can taste it now as i write this...unforgettable,,,,Oh and then there was the chlorine
  14. To repeat what I said earlier and whar racerd said to this post"What tuning have you had done" to your bike?
  15. Airhead


    no one mentioned re jetting, least not in this thread. Why did you say that? re-jetting is done for good reason not for just something to try to fix 'spluttering' Having said that and to answer your question, there are several jets in your carb, the one lowest down into the float bowl is the 'Main Jet', this will have a number on it and that number gives the size of the hole drilled through it. To fit another with a different number, say a bigger number means that it will have a bigger hole through it, this means it will allow more fuel to pass through it given the same pressure differences and the more fuel it allows through the 'Richer' the mixture will be. Dont mess with the jetting sizes unless you have modified your bikes filtration, exhaust etc. ...Paul
  16. Airhead


    Does it have a power valve?
  17. I'm gonna miss this thread! When It's gone.
  18. Could be that your float bowls are not full of fuel as you state the carbs have been stripped, I am assuming this bike has a vacuum operated petrol tap (petcock, gas tap). You need to set it to 'PRIME' for a while before switvhing to 'ON' position. ...Paul
  19. i would consider letting them do it with the head on, save a lot of work, ask them about the likelihood that they will get all the swarf out, dont forget its not a 2 stroke so none will get in the bearings and the swarf will be soft aluminium so I reckon on it not damaging the bore. maybe they blow compressed air into the exhaust port with the valve open...just a thought. head gaskets are usually changed only if and when they fail.
  20. Aahh well....Just put a Garelli badge on it
  21. Whats the job then. is it remove the head, drill and re-thread and fit a helicoil insert?
  22. Sounds like the two stroke oil pump is passing, may need repairing or replacing but one thing is for sure, if you pull off the oil pipe from the carb and leave it overnight in a container, there should be no oil seepage into the container because there is a check valve in these pumps that will stop this free flowing, also check the operation of the pulley against throttle position. The over enthusiastic oil delivery will have an adverse affect on performance. ...Paul
  23. Last here Oct 17th, only 2 days ago but I agree he's gone very quiet around here.
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