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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Yeah like wizzer said, you should hear a clunk as the carb slide bottoms out when the throttle is closed, if you dont the cable is pulling or badly adjusted.
  2. Airhead

    DT50MX Carb..

    Try Yambits duffers, not seen you for aaages, thought you'd sold up
  3. Airhead

    dt175 mx

    Play in the front end could mean a fail. you need to be certain its the forks though because play in the brake plate anchor groove or play in the bearings need to be eliminated before you condemn the forks. lift the bike off the ground and weight the back so the front is airborne, I used to use a bottle crate with a lump of wood on it to do this but I have recently bought one of those proper lifting gadgets which is much better. Grasp the tyre at the top and bottom and try rocking the wheel by pushing the top and pulling the bottom and so on. this will test the wheel bearings. Turn the bars one way and the other check they are free and smooth. Get help and someone to hold the bars steady and pull the brake, now push and pull the wheel get the helper to place a finger against the top heastock bearing cover and the headstock they will feel any free play that is there. Now same again with the brake and helper, undo the bottom gaitor clips and slide the gaitor up, helper place a finger against the top dust cover and the stancheon, any play there. Do this first lets find out for sure where the problem lies.
  4. blake, why hijack this thread? Start your own in workshop or dualsport sections, just copy and paste what you put here in this one. I will delete this when you do that. ...Paul
  5. Without a parts list I couldnt be certain but I would imagine they are. Why not go onto Bikebandit and compare their stock numbers for both these bike's speedo's? .........But I have to ask why did you not order a 175 speedo? I imagine this is because they are unavailable so does that mean they are different? fingers crossed. Anyway Dave what happened, something to do with the lens flying down the freeway?
  6. I think 15w would be fine Kev, 10w is a bit thin on our newly potholed roads.
  7. Bit thin i would think Kev.
  8. Niiice, reminds me of my mobylette beginnings.
  9. It's all in the FAQ's forum Here ...Paul
  10. Airhead

    new to the club

    Welcome to the forum ste
  11. Must admit i've enjoying the challenge and tinkering with the 125, anyway I cant work in my garage and its usually too cold to work outside on the 175 I have learned a lot of things from this French webforum, they really do know their stuff, its a little difficult with the language at times but has been well worth the effort http://yam2stroke.0rg.fr/index.php?sid=c8bedfc4a4c1646326a2bcba6c88e5b9 Anyway, like I said earlier I need to fit a larger jet when I fit the silencer but because the carb is tricky to remove I wanted to sort out the spare reed cage and inlet manifold I bought. Referring again to things learned on the 'yam2stroke' here http://y2s.free.fr/bac%20et%20pipe/bacetpipe.pdf I have done the work to the reed stops and the inlet manifold. I have seen on other forum and even a mention of it on this one, something about cutting all the robber moulding out of the inlet manifold where it goes inside the reed cage, after consideration though I decided not to do that and to just do as suggested at yan2stroke Befores Afters One before and one after All ready do be fitted now with the jet, the boyesen reeds and the DEP silencer.
  12. Not sure but water in the float bowl can do that. drain it and try again.
  13. 'Mechanics' magazine August 82 sent. DT125LC v Honda XL125R.
  14. Andy I have a 'Ride' magazine article titles Last rites, Yamaha DT125 1983 - 2006. It is one page of the writers memories of the brand. Also a 'Performance bikes' magazine, Oct 91. Nine 125's tested. so info on all its road going competition as well as it's trail / road coing competition of the time. I wouldnt go into too much depth of earlier aircooled ones...suffice to say that Yamaha invented the trail bike and set the standard for others to follow, you may want to put a bit of factual meat on that statement. I also have another 'Mechanics' magazine article but its at work so cant give you the detail. If you want me to scan and email them, seeing as it's for your degree work I will do so they might have some interesting quote's and research in them. PM your email if you do ...Paul
  15. Well that was yesterday, today my 3MB head, inlet manifold and reed cage arrived. will get to work on the reed cage and manifold, I now doubt very much that i will wait that long to change the heads, it will be done this year at least...
  16. Like I said though its going to be a long time off, i'm not pulling the head off just to do that so will do it when theres another reason to do so.
  17. Check you have a good flow rate of petrol to the carb. If you do then i'm afraid it sounds like a carb strip and clean, may be a blocked pilot jet. Thats all I know as I havent done it yet on mine.
  18. what model is it? its anybodys guess, could be anything from you leaving the kill switch on or a faulty switch...to coils or condenser down or points shorting or not opening.
  19. More info needed, are you still in dirtbike mode, no keyswitch, no kill switch? no battery? Did you try several spark plugs?
  20. No dont short the switch, unplug the switch and short the plug / socket whatever where the switch was plugged into. Apologies if that's what you meant. Dont know how it affects it so you should get the neutral light working too.
  21. No not missing something, i dont suppose its often talked about but in the case of our 4BL bike's they are fitted with a cyl head of number 3BN. Now 3BN has a strange squish band the likes of which I have never seen before and so I will possibly switch to a 3MB version at the first opportunity. This may make it clearer.
  22. Bloody leccy starts Things are just too easy these days
  23. As far as 'Bolt on' mod's go the next things for me are Boyesen 2 stage reeds, a DEP silencer and a slight upjet to suit... but the carb looks a bit of a faff to get out and I have other plans to do with modifying the reed cage and the inlet manifold, so I might wait until my bits are delivered rather than have to work in this area twice. Also maybe replacing the cylinder head in time, although I will wait until the first barrel off inspection and rings change for this one Last time (2 weeks ago)I inspected my barrel was through the exhaust port and I could see the herring bone pattern of the honing marks still there
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