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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. How about engine / frame number?
  2. Welcome Dave, cracking bike, I like a lot
  3. Well done Mike, I gave up on this little bike aygeeeees ago
  4. I posted about 'the car' in response to Mervs @fuel goes stale overnight' comment...it seems not, and I agree that the root cause of trouble will be the carbs..either gumming...although I doubt it after only 3 months, or evaporation...more likely IMO. Each year I lay my Bandit off for the winter and each year in the spring it will idle and not rev. So I just switch the fuel to prime and let it idle until hot with gentle coaxing of the throttle a few blips here and ther along the way. This approach has never let me down and nothin's more certain than next spring she will idle and not rev
  5. As a rough guide read this Specs for your bike will be in a manual for your bike, although I dont suppose they will be much different ...Paul
  6. In the short term squirt some 2 stroke oil in the spark plug hole. Then try bump starting it. If you get it running and still continue to get 70psi compression you will have to strip the top end and check the ring end gaps, it may need new rings. It may even need a re-bore.
  7. Welding a handle to a couple of plain plates is one way to do it but like you say it leaves you wanting more plates. Another 'Bling' way is to buy one of these if you can find one, this is mine for a DT175MX (DT175E in USA) However the cheapest way is to make one of these from some 1/4" flat bar This was a method as shown in my Haynes manual and the one I used to use before the 'Bling' one. Here is a clip from said Haynes manual ...Paul
  8. It's the one I use for all the pics I post on here Vez, a Kodak CX7300 digital camera, takes great pics.
  9. Yep, and just love the sound it makes
  10. There are also garages for motorcycles that do not have fancy showrooms to sell new bikes, you know the 'under the railway arches' type of place. i expect that these would be far cheaper than franchised dealers. In the end ask around, get quotes from both types of place. talk to the guys and see what you think of them. Another thing to consider is...are there any nightschool type training courses in your area for motorcycle mechanics?
  11. If you want to post an intro 'The Bar' will be a good place to do it
  12. I have a Rover 25 car that used to belong to my eldest daughter, she upgraded in August 2008 and this car remained un-used on my drive for over 18 months. My youngest girl passed her test in due course and to give her driving experience I had to swap cars and start to use this Rover car (which has cost me a small fortune) I was worried about trying to start it due to the ancient fuel, not least because it had been hanging around in there all through last winter which was the coldest on record Any way one new battery later and a turn of the key......Vroom The exhaust needs replacing
  13. I agree but why quote the number...he cannot delete it from your quote
  14. Airhead

    1974 DT 175

    Sorry Cynic I may be barking up the wrong tree, this may be that other one you mentioned, I think it was decided in the other thread that it was called an avalanche diode (much the same as a zener) and would attempt to control the charging voltage.
  15. Airhead

    1974 DT 175

    isnt the diode item 15 in the diagram? Like Cynic said earlier it's a half wave rectifier to charge the battery. The battery would supply lights (except headlamp), instrument lights, brake lights, turn signals, horn to name but a few.
  16. Another zoomable diagram Bikebandit
  17. Hi not familiar with the bike and without a picture will have to guess about what you are referring to. Theses'needles' that apparently have threads on them! Could one be a throttle stop (idle adjust) screw, theses usually have a large and sometimes knurled head. this is used to set the correct idle speed for example 1000 rpm. Could the other be the mixture screw? these are usually made from brass. These have a setting from gently closed, for example 1 1/2 turns out.
  18. Tank has been done Vez, well at least the venting cap.
  19. Have you checked the fuel flow into a container...fuel tap filter?
  20. Hey, that nice of you to say so Gordo, this site is much better than twitface because of the common interest and good natured humour, we have had a good summer this year up to now, hence the hose pipe ban in my area, that will no doubt last until winter +1 on the ride safe. ...Paul
  21. Welcome Bas, i'm sure your friends dad will see that it is a good buy for you
  22. sounds like its 'running on one', to find out which side is easy, the exhaust is hot on just one side DONT BURN YOURSELF CHECKING !
  23. Hello and welcome James, not sure if this is any use or what yours looks like but theres lots on ebay Here ...Paul
  24. Airhead

    two whales

    She's the spit of her mother
  25. Nice one Richard, old DT's are a favourite on here. Would like to see it, learn how to post pictures...see FAQ's I suggest the obvious...ebay Welcome to the YOC forum ...Paul
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