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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Nice one kerry, roll on wednesday...lets hope its a good day. Welcome to the forums ...Paul
  2. Nice intro MrLaister. YBR's are a good little run around see you in the forums ...Paul
  3. I was worried when my daughter passed her full test direct access and wanted to ride my bandit, I had to lower it both the bike and a cut down seat, she is 5foot not much and quite light and every time she was out I felt sick until she came back, I think it's the lack of experience really, I have ridden since being 14...she had f*ck all experience...not like us who went 125 - 175 - 250 etc etc. Any way last year she didnt ride at all so this year I am not insuring her. At least your lad will ride a 125, not a 200+ kilo bandit. I know though, its still a worry but has to be a better more controllable machine.
  4. First and foremost you must check and check again thet you have not left any case screws still fitted, it's and easy thing to miss as sometimes they can be quite hidden. I have no experience of your bike so I can only say what I know of mine (also 2 stroke single with verically split cases) my bike has two 8mm thres holes in an axis with the crank, one of these holes holds a bearing retainr in place. Now these holes can be used as an anchor point for some sort of tool that will push on the end of the shaft. Here is the 'Yamaha' special tool for the task And here is the OG version Like I said, I dont know if this will help you, most or the difficulty will be to break the seal between the crankcases. If you do resort to striking the end of the shaft, try to protect the metal with some leather for example and it is always good practice to have the nut screwed on flush with the end of the shaft.
  5. To little compression, not enough info when did it run last, has it stood Have you seen my signature?
  6. Welcome in mike, always good to see a proper intro, love your 'tools of choice', weve got fans of all your bikes on here, myself I fancy the TDR
  7. what about vacuum? runs for 5 mins as vacuum gradually builds then stops? fuel starvation? open the gas tank filler try again...blocked vent? Draining the bowl will release vacuum but fuel will still be there, vacuum with oppose the vacuum developed in the manifold. Also check the carb vent is clear.
  8. welcome to the YOC forum 4x4van, SC so you dont have much problem with rust
  9. Whats seafoam? I would use diesel oil pour some into each cylinder and leave overnight.
  10. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/nos-suzuki-ts250-oil-pump-assembly-/370378231374?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item563c434e4e http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/nos-suzuki-ts250-oil-pump-assembly-/370378231374?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item563c434e4e http://shop.ebay.co.uk/bloke0/m.html?_nkw=%28ts250*%2Cts+250%29&_sacat=0&_odkw=ts*&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3911.c0.m270.l1313
  11. Post some sizes and drewpy will fab a new one from his lava lamp, or a mop end
  12. Looks great mate, off to a good start now. Whats up with the zorst then?
  13. Your bike whte tank, blue stripe...That has all the shape and style of a DT175/125MX model ask our Cynic about cobbing things in skips
  14. Yes an intro would be good Lewis > Oh and wanted ads should be in the wanteds forum. Welcome all the same, 73 DT's =
  15. I dunno mate, you'll get it sorted. By the way i'm no expert on that bike, just trying to help
  16. Welcome Oleg, we dont get many Russians on here. ...Paul
  17. Greetings szr, good luck with the sale and the search for something else.
  18. if you dont have a spark, try putting the front plug in the back and check again, at least you know the front one is a good one. That should eliminate a duff plug fault. place jump starter leads round the threads and connect them to a good earth when checking, or wrap some bare wire around them also securely grounded.
  19. sounds like your back cylinder isnt firing at all, under no circumstances should you be riding it like that, I cant believe you are riding it 13 miles. You should remove the spark plug from the back cyl and check for sparks, it seems there is some fuel getting there, it will go through to the exhaust, thats what you can smell. Who knows how much fuel you have in the exhaust after that amount of miles? just make sure nobody stands behind it for a while
  20. Dont use paint stripper on your plastics Liam!! Just rub them down and use flexible primer on them before the top coat.
  21. Airhead

    79? mx175

    An intro in the noobs?
  22. No...its funny though, at least you posted in the noobs, it's the ones that dont that 'pees people off'
  23. Just coz you found fluid in yer exhaust Greetings
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