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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/YAMAHA-98-XVS-650-XVS650-V-STAR-CLASSIC-DRIVE-SHAFT-/190498599315?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2c5a99f193 ?
  2. Hi wanted, now then 'Wanted' ads should be kept to the 'Wanted' section of this forum. i'm afraid you will have to pay for the privelege too, it helps towards the costs of running this forum. It's only a fiver though but I'll admit it doesnt mean you will find what you want here. I would try ebay but I suppose you have done...for a while? Did you post an intro? this is after all the 'noobs forum' ...Paul What has happened to yours?
  3. Hey Rocky,have you got your own cable-car?
  4. thats either a weird photo of the cylinder head, or someone has been playing with their new drill
  5. Yeah me too, ally doesnt like 'working' and tends to crack and snap, pop out to the yam shop and order a new one,
  6. Oh bugger, sometimes i'm late for work too joking apart thats bad news maff, I feel your pain mate
  7. Nice one mate,cant believe your luck on that one. Now tell him it didnt arrive and claim your money back, as compo for the chippy
  8. Greetings Marko.... and Always plenty of XVS125 talk going on here so pull up a chair matey ...Paul
  9. Greetings xstoy. yes overfilling the oil could cause clutch slip. You could do with a manual ...Paul
  10. Greetings hectic, from 4 eh? you've had a good upbringing then. Love those old trailbikes ...Paul
  11. Yeah sorry Pete, wasnt ignoring you matey but some posts I miss. welcome in and there seems to be a lot of noobs with YBR's around lately so you lot can have a good old chinwag lol ...Paul
  12. yeah thats the plan Pat, got to get her back together and up and running first though
  13. Airhead

    Excel Rims?

    You would need the forks anyway for the brembo caliper on the larger disc brake
  14. Yup thats the US equivalent of mine, good luck with the restore and keep is posted shntat. Greetings...Paul
  15. sod off I mean greetings Al Roby
  16. aaghhh the blue ones(like mine) are slower than the later ones as you know blue is a 1979 colour with the early sh1te airbox!
  17. Al, is it a DT125MX? few and far between, ebay is your best chance but be prepared to pay good money. an Intro is the way to go for new members, we have a 'Noobs' forum, you can even post a pic of your pride and joy there. EDit, didnt read the title properly. a mk1 LC as Dirty DT has found you one, ebay still an option but maybe best to buy the new one?
  18. Be sure to get all that oil off before painting / stoving. If you are stoving it dont forget to remove the pivot bushes.
  19. I would go by the book, anyway 20 miles is a long long way on full throttle, more like occasional bursts of a few miles if you must
  20. Thats a super looking bike mate, havent seen one of those so I'm out of date too
  21. Easy start, or bump it. But surely if your starter motor is getting hot, then the plug must be wet through? if so pull it out, procrastinate for another day or so and try again
  22. I think we better 'move on' Tom
  23. Definitely, the wheels have to be worth that, not to mention the tank.It will however cost loads more to get anything like.
  24. yeah the springs....thats what I meant Wont be long now, nearly done
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