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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. It must have been set wrong then. it should be smooth and flat inside the exhaust port when the notch in the pulley and the hole behind it are in alignment.
  2. The PV should rotate anti-clockwise with increasing revs when viewed from the pulley end.
  3. i'm out of ideas If you have good compression and good fuel and a good spark I suggest you leave the plug out overnight to evaporate any fuel in there, then re-fit and if possible get a couple of people to give you a good shove to bump start it.
  4. I think it's electric not mechanical paul
  5. so it was actually running and then made a clicking noise??? take off the exhaust and see if you can see damage to the piston / rings
  6. Maybe the PV is jammed...gunged up! with the cables disconnected can you move the pulley by hand?
  7. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/19061363?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/19061363">MUSIC VIDEO RIDING SEPTEMBER</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user5657192">Hush</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  8. Sound advice from 'Cynic' about the points, some of the 125's had 6 gears so check out your options there. American 175 bikes had these carb id numbers 1978 55960 1979 2N500 1980 3J100 If you can find one of those you wont have extra expence of jetting...possibly. However this may be proved wrong as they are designed around an airbox / filter etc.
  9. Greetings Tim and a warm to the forum. Nice intro dude
  10. Greetings candymut The XVS650 has a good reputation, great choice. Take care on her.
  11. Phil it's a long time since I delved into my headlamp bowl but what I expect to see is Multi block connectors to L&R handlebar controls Multi block connectot to ignition switch bullets to L&R indicators Multi block to idiot lights (clocks) bullets to headlamp bullets to speedo illumination Multi block to fron stop lamp switch It's all in the wiring schematic. Can you tell us a bit about the loom...is it new...is it a 2k4 version?
  12. I would stick with the points myself
  13. sure is a problem that...bind it up with tape and see if it improves but dont expect the tape to be a permanent fix...get a new one
  14. The emulsion tube is the needle jet here in UK. It's good you cleaned it out but what you said is a little confusing...it's not the pilot jet. Heres a mucky needle jet Pilot jet location ( somehow I feel you know this already) Another thing to consider is on some of the mikunis there is a small hole, the air jet. and worth checking its not blocked, this is an air intake that is regulated by the mixture screw Last but not least there is a tiny passageway which goes between the carb venturi at the bottom just behind the throttle valve...and the cavity around the needle jet (I think)
  15. I think its an age thing or even a case of if you dont have any strong interests like wot we do, then spend your time talking shite on facebook. I hardly ever go there myself No idea what twitter is, is it facebook for celebs? and linking well I do that often on here.
  16. Greetings Dave Yeah wassup? just start a thread in the relevent section for your bike
  17. Sorry Phil there isnt one, you just have to go off the wiring diagram, If you're struggling tell is what colours and what connectors, example 'Red Male Bullet'
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