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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. as above a scotchbrite pad is good for light rust, a wire wheel (bench or drill mounted) a scraper for loose flakes, fine emery cloth for tricky nooks and crannies. Jenolite rust remover...for finishing Plastikote BBQ Paint available from Wilkinsons stores and B&Q Theses are are methods I would use but most importantly...keep it clean and clean off the crud regularly after wet riding conditions and remove and paint again when it starts to show signs of rust...dont ignore it exhausts are expensive!
  2. well it flys...what more could you wish for?
  3. Hi John I went here but i'm sure there are lots of other places http://www.pjme.co.uk/
  4. Pat '2 Wheels' Have a great day mate
  5. that was a bargain, they are great bikes
  6. Greetings keiran Take care on your new bike, have you got any road experience?
  7. Greetings dt50 how about you fill your profile in a bit ...Bike year? location? etc I'm sure you will get one from ebay soon enough
  8. Merry Xmas everyone, all have a good one and have lots of fun on your bikes next year whether they be yams or not. Special thanks to alexasigno for providing the forum which breaks down at the most inopportune times and all the regulars that just 'make it happen' Looking forward to a few days out with you again next year ...Paul
  9. Nice...lucky to find a new one eh
  10. Greetings John I assume you mean black wires next to the regulator not the rectifier? in the female twin socket are plugged 1: Battery negative 2: Regulator black (sink) Fuse goes right onto the battery positive http://www.ebay.co.u...=item35b7b7ef56
  11. cant you unplug a bullet connector on the neg cable, then fit it to the battery...install the battery...then plug the bullet back in? just guessing because cannot see the bike
  12. I agree they are rubbish on unlit roads, only good to be 'seen'...not to 'see' with
  13. I have tried to strip out whats not lighting on a wiring diagram if it helps
  14. mines a shark, but its noisy at speed; so i just ride slowly to compensate seriously though you can always wear earplugs
  15. if you have a good spark and compression? then it must be fuel supply...so...is the plug getting wet or not? if not why not?
  16. this is a DTR pv in fully open position, a smooth passage at the top of the port into the cylinder
  17. listen balckhat mkie and derwpy...its mauro
  18. be better with a bike spcific charger though or a decent modern car charger with a slow (as in NOT fast) setting
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