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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. From experience I find this sheet baffle pack is way better than the loose fiberglass stuff, my bike suffered from noise and poor performance using that stuff...never again http://yambits.co.uk/exhaust-baffle-packing-p-839.html
  2. might only need new rings and the ring grooves cleaning, dont rebore without proof of wear to the bore!
  3. "Good day everyone wants me here voorstellen.Ik'm Dragons-eye from Netherlands proud owner of a xj bj 600 bj 85 and a 92 fzr 1000" (google translate version) Greetings dragons-eye
  4. interesting topic tiltle richard...'trouble at mill?'
  5. have you got a haynes book steve? you need to test the magneto coils and the ignition coil, the figures will be in haynes book
  6. horn, tail light, turn sigs, pilot light and instrument lights need the battery Richard, headlight is AC straight from the flywheel generator, member NEO did a comprehensive topic on 12v conversion for these
  7. welcome in richard nice to see a decent intro yeah that are great little bikes, we call them DT175MX here
  8. Airhead

    New Horse "

    Love it john, i've never seen one before, are they rare? that radiator is HUGE!
  9. how is it obvious? you will have to take the head off to examine the piston crown to see if it's been rebored, scrape off the carbon and look for a stamped number, you would need to order piston and or rings at this same size assuming the bore isnt worn out. I have used quality head gaskets twice (the black ones) with a very fine bead of silicone manifold gasket just around the circumference of the bore on each side and had no issues, dont plaster it on all over and thick or you may find it difficult to remove the head next time. Oh and dont forget to drain the coolant first, yes i have heard of people filling their crankcase with the stuff!!!
  10. Cheers mate???? listen pongo or whoever you are it's 'Airhead' The engines from early/later bikes can easily be identified by their different oil pump covers. Engine# is stamped on the elevated part of the left rear section of the engine
  11. The blade is something else...one to cherish
  12. fazer would be a better option for 40 miles regular M_way
  13. youre welcome http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=xs1100sg&hl=en&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4GGLL_enGB401GB402&biw=1024&bih=540&prmd=imvnsfd&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=ps5CT6SoGeSh0QX50NSODw&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&sqi=2&ved=0CAwQ_AUoAQ
  14. 3J6 3J6 0000101 0060000 XS1100SG 1980 Vins 0000101 to 0060000
  15. lol the clown car horn Greetings blackmun post up a piccie
  16. just goes to show what having very little power can do for your pocket eh
  17. does the horn work ? and for a first post not even a hello, hi or better still something in the NEW MEMBERS forum
  18. Greetings Matt yeah we love the DT's here and and you'll no doubt gets the advice and help you are seeking also nearer to home is http://www.yamahait.com.au/forum/index.php/board,24.0.html
  19. whats wrong with it dan, it may be blocked and need the same cleaning regime as the carbs...it's very likely
  20. err why ask for something and then not reply? anyway i have found one for you if it's not too much bother!
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