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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. another easy check is to remove the reed cages and inspect the petals, they should be perfactly flat and you shouldnt be able to suck air through them
  2. lol http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-18490459?ref=nf
  3. perhaps you can make something up yourself? dunno...never done it myself http://motorcycleproducts.co.uk/catalogue/filter-foam-p-8294.html
  4. no you wont be able to post in the wanted section unless you are a paid up member here, hardly worth it just for some filter foam though!...i responded to your first posting, stick with that one now and leave this section for the intros thanks
  5. a duff rec/rec unit can indeed be the "short in the electrics" you refer too Paul. a simple check of the diodes perhaps?
  6. battery dies with no key in the ignition? possibly a duff reg/rec unit?
  7. any motorcycle specific engine oil is ok for the gearbox godslam, dont put car oil in it may cause clutch slip! I assume there is also an oil tank for the two stroke oil... This will be very useful though http://www.repairmanual.com/online/official-1970-yamaha-ht1-factory-service-manual-u-yam-s-ht1/
  8. Greetings godslam, hey i've never heard of that bike...any chance of a picture?
  9. did you not see this keiran???
  10. as far as the timing goes i can 'slip' because of either 1 or 2 things 1; the stator screws have come loose and the backplate has moved or 2: The rotor woodruff key has sheared because the rotor wasnt torqued up to the specified torque setting
  11. Fantastic!!! looks a minter
  12. the only true restriction i have seen with the mx was a tube in the exhaust header...however they dont all have it and theres nothing to say yours has and from how you described its performance it seems yours is a pretty hot performar eh? you never did answer the question about your MX though ?
  13. as far as i know they are the same dom, anyhow you'll get one from ebay in due course
  14. just a thought I did mine on my bandit last weekend, speed is of the essence because essentially the bike is air cooled and with an idle speed set to 1750 it gets hot quickly
  15. Greetings Beth, what an awsome beast of a bike heres a big cheesy kiss for you
  16. Thats really looking good now dirtydt
  17. By all means you can call me Paul...and you are? Get yourself a new NGK 5k ohms cap I take it you subtracted the figure you get from your meter leads only? if so it's out of 10% spec as it says...its the HT coil primary and the tutorial says you should be checking at the disconnected plugs and sockets to the CDI...It's orange there, you already said that yours was high at 1.8 ohms...was this directly at the HT coil and not the loom connector to the CDI? Good Its seems that someone somewhere along the line has replaced the pulser coil for a mk1 jobbie...dohh! I expect this will inadvertantly advance the ignition somewhat! Good Speed reading again lol...at the disconnected (loom side) CDI terminals
  18. but you recently fitted a new key and said you were torqueing it up, if you did it right this cannot happen!!!! This time do it right eh
  19. the only time mine leaked from the overflow through the frame was when the cheapo head gasket was passing, i fitted a new 'proper' one and all was well thereafter
  20. New head gasket Toby, nit a cheap metal one, gett a proper black one from yamaha or athena
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