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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. there must be something wrong with the rubber duct or the way it's fastened then
  2. is the snorkel removed? seems to be all the rage with DTR owners. !
  3. most likely an M7 stud then eh? wemoto will sell them
  4. These look a great buy for the money http://www.ebay.co.u...ME:B:SS:GB:1123 how about an intro then we have a new members forum
  5. has someone repainted it then? perhaps a little thick or what...the number is stamped in and isnt very deep so could easily be hidden with thick paint
  6. thanks for the heads up...have a great Canada day yeaaa
  7. mine had the later pump cover and flatslide carb
  8. thats the spirit keiran...keep the faith fella
  9. you're welcome and ta for the update
  10. you wont get enough light from an led
  11. but a battery shoulldnt be allowed to go flat it's the very fact it was discharged to this degree that is now causing the problem...if you have it laid up for any length of time...especially with an alarm, disconnect the battery...or optimate it
  12. re the fitting ......is this a fact Andy? I always thought they all fit and the difference in part # refers to the differing restrictions within the exhaust
  13. has something been draining the battery...an alarm?
  14. my 2003 import was 4BL just to confuse things I think Pat's bike '2Wheels' may be similar?
  15. dont just go off their websites give them a ring
  16. you can check the resistances of the ignition coil and the field coil, the figures are in the parts book PM sent
  17. I would guess at DT125R...how about asking wemoto or yambits?
  18. Fix the seal first While the cover is off clean out any emulsified oil you can access and re-fit the cover with a new gasket...wemoto? Fill to the required level with diesel (red if you can get it...its cheaper), start the engine and allow it to warm up..and the drain the diesel remembering to lean the bike to the right to drain effectively...dispose of diesel and drained oil properly at your local refuse site Fill to correct level using motorcle specific oil
  19. xl was Hondas version nathan, it's also a 4 stroke model
  20. yes stop riding it tom, as well as the probable culprit pump seal...it sounds like the cylinder isnt tight down either? It could even be the head gasket passing that has caused the issue with the pump seal
  21. yes dan thats right, does a coil break down under hot conditions...thats what i was getting at
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