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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. DT175MX Ignition checks There were two versions of ignition systems on DT175MX bikes. The mk1 version from the earlier bike had a 7 wire CDI the early bikes had a round section swing arm. The mk2 version had a 6 wire CDI, the red wire is absent on these. These bikes have a square section swing arm. The HT cap (AKA spark plug cap) unscrew it off the HT lead, it is supposed to be a resistor cap so should be around 5K Ohms The ignition coil primary...Orange wire to battery neg should be 1 Ohm +- 10% The ignition coil secondary...HT lead to battery neg should be 5900 Ohms +- 20% If the readings are much higher, check the ignition coil has a clean ground connection. Yes and the ignition coil mounting is a wiring harness ground point too, so check its clean and bright there. Disconnect all the wires from the CDI. Then using your multimeter on the loom side of the connectors. Black probe on a clean part of HT coil ground point Red probe on...... Orange, Meter to 200 Ohms, expect 1 Ohm (HT coil primary) Brown, Meter to 2k Ohms, expect 420 Ohms for mk1 and 300 Ohms for mk2 (Magneto charge coil) White/Red, Meter to 200 Ohms, expect 12.4 Ohms for mk1 and 10 Ohms for mk2 (Magneto pulser coil) Red, Meter to 200 Ohms, expect 13.6 Ohms for mk1 only. (Source coil 2 or high speed coil) Black female connector, Meter to 200 Ohms, expect dead short repeat for black male connector Any difference in the results for the two black wires may possibly be rectified by cleaning the front engine mounting bolt and a little of the frame behind the bolt head, then tighten to torque spec. Black/White, Meter to 20K Ohms, with ignition off expect dead short, with key on expect open circuit, with kill operated expect dead short (Engine kill operation) If all these tests are good you would be well advised to try another CDI. If they are not good...reading higher...disconnect and clean any plugs/sockets you find along the way, if the magneto coils are reading lower, new ones needed if more than 10%...or so the book says Finally, if you are working with a box full of mixed parts! Mk1 1 flywheel is Mitsubishi F3T250, it has two slots in the face of the flywheel Mk2 flywheel is Mitsubishi F3T251, it has four slots in the face of the flywheel
  2. Greetings Paul so then, your bike is a DT175E or F in the USA, much the same as our UK DTMX's with a few differences I'll post an ignition fault find this evening...There should be no oil in the magneto casings. New here? we have a new members section where you can post a little intro
  3. isnt there lines on the rotor and a mark on the casing?
  4. That head has an awful lot of finning looking great mate
  5. Not on these carbs John, dont have to risk it
  6. I can understand your concern ...just do it with the jet still in there, why not? you should still see the fluid coming through
  7. use a straw on your carb cleaner aerosol to spray back through the two holes in the diagram and witness the cleaner coming through the pilot jet
  8. if you couldnt get it out but can see light through it the jet must be clear but how do you know the little passageway is clear through to the venturi? did you spray carb cleaner down and witness the passageway is clear?...see the diagram I posted in your other thread
  9. I answered your other post! before I saw this one not good is it
  10. I remember ya Dave, welcome back fella shades of the past
  11. yes quite likely Slacken off the cable adjuster Take a hold of the push lever at the engine and push it forward until it resists movement At this point the pointer on the end of the push lever and the pip on the casing should align, use the adjuster in the centre of the pressure plate to achieve this alignment Now adjust the cable adjuster for approx 10mm of free play at the end of the lever If the alignment of the pointer and pip is not achievable, then check the wear of the plates by measuring them with a vernier caliper and referencing the specified thickness and wear limits in the manual
  12. Feck me, this got me going!!! http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&key=bbb516d91daee20498798694a42dd559&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.the2strokeforum.proboards.com%2Fthread%2F8901%2Flandrover-runs-bikes-chased-bikers%3Fpage%3D1%23scrollTo%3D95630&v=1&libId=9e6730e2-ffed-45f7-81b8-b1d84a21be1d&out=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fphoto.php%3Fv%3D153102431566769&title=Landrover%20runs%20over%20bikes%20then%20is%20chased%20down%20by%20bikers%20%7C%202strokeforum.&txt=www.facebook.com%2Fphoto.php%3Fv%3D153102431566769&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13805753275936
  13. just how do I embed it...cant seem to do this any longer...I used to just copy and paste the youtube browser but I doesnt work any more?
  14. Airhead

    FS1E Custom?

    Nahh, not got one fatso
  15. petrol disolves araldite i'm sorry to have to inform ya of this
  16. Still dont see why you believe this to be the case??? normal engineering practice is to pull/push the shaft through the bearing,
  17. you need to be careful here mate, the bearing should be in the case and not on the crank before any attempt at assembly, the same thing sometimes happens to DT's whereby the bearing stays on the crank during disassembly but It's not supposed to be that way!
  18. yeah you should do a good job with sorting out the exhaust next as it may contribute to the problem
  19. 1st Day Back at School Attendance call on the first day back at school in Birmingham , UK . The teacher began calling out the names of the pupils: "Mustafa Al Eih Zeri?" "Here." "Achmed El Kabul?" "Here." "Fatima Al Hayek? " "Here." "Ali Abdul Olmi?" "Here." "Mohammed Bin Kadir?" "Here." "Ali Son al Len” Silence in the classroom. "Ali Son al Len" Continued silence as everyone looked around the room. She repeated, "Is this the name of any child here?" A girl stood and said, "I think that's me, Miss. It's pronounced Alison Allen"
  20. OK then, elec start only...It may benefit from a bump after squirting in a little fuel (10cc) or charge the battery fully and try the button
  21. try squirting a bit of petrol down the plughole, see if she catches maybe try a bumpstart too...it should be easy enough on that bike? edit...I'm not familiar with the haves and have not's of every bike of course...is this one elec start only?
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