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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. aye, thats exactly what I was getting at beef, I knew that really
  2. Get it in your diaries everyone Friday 5th - Sunday 7th September. Book some time off work if you can C'mon Drewpy you just gotta go on 'The Ped'
  3. yep as drewpy said, 5th, 6th Sept guys, I'll updatr the thread in rideouts then
  4. what are 'Fat Bars' ? Will they fit the bar clamps?
  5. Greetings Martin Well worth the money mate, Its worth a lot more broken and sold for parts well done. Start a thread in projects and I'll look forward to following your progress with it
  6. Only this week Ttasky http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-25802437
  7. I can see this being a problem, I had similar issues a while back when I lowered my bandit for my daughter to use it, I was much harder to put on the stand then!!!
  8. Thats great Kim, now turn the mixture screw 1/2 turn to richen the mixture, If the screw is on the filter side of the carb that'll be 1/2 turn clockwise I expect, dont worry about the choke idle speed you wont use choke for long, besides you may have richened it some with your earlier drilling antics is 12:48 still morning in Herts then ?
  9. Fully open as I described, your PV should be perfectly flat at the top of the port, see the photo I posted
  10. and while you're at it check the power valve (PV) is aligned correctly When you turn on the key the PV will go through it's cleaning cycle (zzzt zzzt) then turn off the key, at this point the 'U' shaped cutout in the PV pulley should be in line with the 4mm blind hole behind it in the cyl head. Now look up the exhaust port, the top of the port should be perfectly flat and smooth if the PV is positioned correctly, not protruding into the port in any way at all
  11. It needs to be sealed and sealed properlly Hitch, not bodged!
  12. yes I misunderstood that, but in post 85 he said "No theres oil on the numberplate but i had a bad seal on the front pipe were oil was spitting of inbetween the exhaust and engine" so lets talk further about this joint? oil on the numberplate is normal for these bikes especially when they arent getting ridder far (cold)
  13. It will be noted in the Haynes manual perhaps you can find out
  14. you usually invert the carb and measure from the gasket surface to the top of the float at the pint where the tang just touches the float needle, and set it to spec by bending the tang either way untill it measures right...you'll need to know the specified height heres a picture (not your bike)
  15. are you saying you have NO exhaust gasket between the pipe and the exhaust port here?
  16. what about float height, is that right? If the fuel level is drastically low the pilot jet will be uncovered, oh it'll start allright with choke but when the choke is shut off it'll just suck air through the pilot and raise the rpm's accordingly?
  17. Thats a good point, you set the idle speed with a warm engine and no choke
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