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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. I suppose it could be the steering head bearings, the wheel bearings, play in the swing arm or even that you are not used to the bike.
  2. no its something else, my bandit is lowered for my daughter to ride it, I dropped the front about 6mm, it has no problems with handling. Are you familiar with the bike or is it new to you? Have you checked the tyre pressures?
  3. Why did you say water isnt an issue now, like were supposed to know something? It does sound like water in a carb float bowl possibility. If they are ok though dont forget to u tube the ultimate remedy...
  4. If its the V star you are referring to there must be aftermarket pipes available, such as Vance and Hines, you may be best looking at these before doing anything drastic, ask our Goff, she had some aftermarket pipes on her 650....
  5. Airhead


    Yep...skip the Jawa jokes...
  6. Hi LR, I would check the cam chain tension adjuster. ...Paul
  7. Yes Jim, I was just replying to 'little dave' and his hypothetical question...
  8. Airhead

    The Pirate

    A pirate walked into a bar and the bartender said, 'Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. What happened? You look terrible.' 'What do you mean?' said the pirate, 'I feel fine.' Bartender, 'What about the wooden leg? You didn't have that before.' Pirate, 'Well, we were in a battle and I got hit with a cannon ball, but I'm fine now.' Bartender, 'Well, OK, but what about that hook? What happened to your hand?' Pirate, 'We were in another battle. I boarded a ship and got into a sword fight. My hand was cut off. I got fitted with a hook. I'm fine, really.' ' Bartender 'What about that eye patch?' Pirate, 'Oh, one day we were at sea and a flock of birds flew over. I looked up and one of them shit in my eye.' 'You're kidding,' said the bartender, 'you lost an eye just from bird shit.' Pirate, 'It was my first day with the hook.'
  9. The metal (aluminium) ones do reflect, it in the paint they use, try your local car spares outlet, sometimes you can buy blank plates and stick on numbers and letters and make up your own.
  10. Yours is a late model bike masquerading as an early one with its round swing arm then?
  11. I think you did get the question wrong, I want the ohms reading from brown wire on the mag to black or chassis, but it needs to be a 7 wire mag and 7 wire CDI model.
  12. But I havent asked the question yet!...are you psychic...
  13. Too much soda and your ally will go ...POP...
  14. Best of luck, thats a dream bike
  15. Need to ask a favour, Whos got an early DT175MX (The one with a 7 wire CDI) and also a multimeter?
  16. In reality it would only ever spark to one of the plugs, electricity always follows the easiest path to earth, your two plugs will have different resistances to earth, so the one with the lower resistance will be the one that sparks.
  17. Naah it wasnt for that, There is also a flute in the toolkit, when you break down you just sit down place the cup in front of you and get playing, If youre any good you soon have the bus fare home...
  18. That all depends on the condition of the screw heads and the fit of you screwdriver etc, you just might have to drill off the head (6mm drill) of any that wont undo, when the case is removed you will then be able to grip the screw shaft with some vise grips (mole) and remove them. I recommend you replace all screws with stainledss allen screws, Cynic recently bought some from TY Trials and recommended then as good people to do business with.
  19. Heres one for blackhat250 Garelli on ebay And heres one for JimR Fantic on ebay
  20. No its not just in its been and gone but there are still some in the stores...obviously not a good seller. If anyone would want one ring Aldi and they will tell you if there are any near to you, tell them its a 'Spot Blaster' ...
  21. Bought myself another exhaust for the DT from ebay, a used 'Big One' brand expansion pipe, sold as light rust on the bend from the cylinder, when it arrived was relieved that this statement was true and light rust it was. So instead of dremelling the whole lot I decided to get one of them sand blaster things that I had recently seen at Aldi, so went out and spent £10.60 of my hard earned on this And stayed late at work to try it out, quite pleased with the result really, just did the front bit, will do the rest with Dremmel and rubbing down. Just thought I would post this because its another option of rust removal for not much expense, obviously though, it needs compressed air supply so dont think you can use a foot pump Its also pretty messy and dusty so might not be ideal for using at home in the kitchen...you have been warned.!!
  22. Wrap a thin layer of insulation tape over the kickstarter shaft splines, this will protect the oil seal on removal and re-fitting the case. Also as Cynic mentioned, if you press the end of the shaft with you thumb as the case is being withdrawn, you will prevent the spring from detaching fron where it sits. The oil is usually quite clean as it doesnt get hot and is only in contact with transmission components.
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