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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Hi Andus...Looks like you forgot to check the thermostat.. I dont know the bike but there will be a thermostat, this is closed when cold and opens up when hot to allow water flow to the radiator. The old way of ckecking them used to be to immerse them in a pan of water on the stove and witness them open up when the water gets hot. also they sometimes have the operating temperature stamped on them somewhere. so you can use a thermometer to check they work at this temperature. If its no good you may be able to run the bike without it until you get a new one. ...Paul
  2. Welcome to the forum Dan...Bloody gorgeous bike you've got there... ...Paul
  3. Well...looks like weve a budding talent amongst us..
  4. Hey, thanks for the big up DirtyDT..its always good to meet other forum members, glad i could help with your project...
  5. Hi Phil, It does sound like the piston is a bit small then, however they are in fact tapered so you must measure at the bottom (skirt), I know you say you did but... The only other way is to get a micrometer and a bore gauge to check one against the other.
  6. Bike looks good, lots of potential but lots of work to do do, have you tried wemoto site and m&p and mps to name but a few. ...Paul
  7. Hi Bob, nice intro there mate...been biking since the 70's like you... Cant help with the forks though! ...Paul
  8. Hi mate, so long as you have good compression thats the main thing, you say it has spark double check your ig timing hasnt slipped since you worked on it recently. That only leaves fuel, reading between the lines it looks like you tested the tank with water, maybe there was a bit left in there, just drop off the drain plug at the bottom of the carb, also disconnect the fuel pipe from the carb and run a bit through on reserve, water is heavier then fuel and if you leave the bike leaning on the side stand any water will congregate around the fuel tap area run it into a glass jar, let it settle and you will see if theres water in there so you can deal with it. ...Paul
  9. Guys I'm sorry you were disappointed but I think you are wrong in your assumption that "no one bothered", for some reason all the expertise seems to be with the air cooled bikes at the moment, stick around and become the LC experts yourselves... ..Paul
  10. The standard piston for a 175MX is 66mm, the 50 you are seeing will be 0.50 and this means it is now 66.5mm or 0.5 oversize. You should really go through a top end checking routine to datermine the state of your engine, the most likely problem is ring wear, a set of rings should be replaced occasionally, to determine whether this is necessary...do the checks...see this post Here ...Paul
  11. Hi djson and welcome to the forum. we do have our very own long distance XT tourer here...goes by the name of Gas-up-lets go. You may find his website interesting Here... The XT should be quite capable from what I have seen. ...Paul
  12. Great looking bike Mikey, so...I suppose you spend your time on an inferior forum now eh? Ride safe matey...
  13. As TT said check your battery connections and the connections to the starter solenoid and engine ground connection. Then re charge your battery. If your engine will turn when you bump it (Bumpstart) and the ignition is off then it cant be seized so should also turn the engine with the ignition on, just make sure you try in second or third gear
  14. Hi Luke and welcome to the forum, We have a few members with FS1E's i'm sure you will get the answers you want, and also there is member 'Yamagod' who has a knack of coming up with manuals...
  15. Airhead


    It looks that way, if your battery measures zilch then its fubard., but Foamy has a point when he said you should have charge voltage showing, it depends on the battery though it may be shorting internally then you wont see the charge voltage...too early to say apart from what you have already found wrong.
  16. Hi Phil, I got fixed up and dont need the LC carb now. I do have a good DT175MX carb I might sell though.
  17. Airhead


    Yep...I think that rich knows this...and the bulb with 12v on it is 12volts...
  18. Airhead


    Ok if its an old style battery, count the filling plugs 6=12v and 3=6v
  19. Airhead


    Hi richie, not familiar with the bike but isnt it an elec start one? It will be 12V. If you arent getting any voltage measured across the battery then the battery will be an Ex battery, youre gonna need a new one and take it from there.
  20. Airhead


    Well done matey...
  21. LOL... Bugger...I feel left out now
  22. Looks like a real bargain that does...
  23. I'm intrigued with how you start it, it is 240v single phase is it? is there a large capacitor connected to the motor?
  24. Airhead

    Another newbee

    Welcome to the YOC forum Mr YAMAHA
  25. Its behind the Right hand side panel, towards the back, a black box with a rubber belt around it. its held on a thin steel bracket top and bottom. 7 wire CDI Also is there a number 2H5 00 on the carb? Right side just in front of the manifold
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