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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. For DT125 de-restricting, see the 'Pinned' topic in the 'Workshop' forum
  2. You would if you were here If we saw it all year round we would all have snow chains permanently attached either that or sled's, sick of hearing that tired old cliche, were far more populated than most and yes...snow is all it takes to cause mayhem.
  3. Slow as a slow thing for me too. Did i tell the one about the snail that went into a bar?...
  4. Yep, bikes you own right now please otherwise its all a waste of space in your posts or answers to posts, previous bikes can be put on your profile page
  5. Aha...glad i dont figure in this story Yet! Some great pics guys Arnold Layne
  6. Bang on, its a good learner bike but why ask in someone else's topic?
  7. Its coming out merv heaven forbid...are you really suggesting i should go through my whole motorcycling life wondering....WHAT IF!
  8. Was looking on a DT125 website about de restricting And lo and behold...what do i find there...the same bloody restrictor and a piccy of it, seems like us 175 riders are a tad behind the times here http://www.dtr125.net/tuningf.htm
  9. Hi and welcome I'm no expert on power valves as i've never had a bike with one (soon to be ammended), there are others on here who will soon give the lowdown on these things...However i'm sure you are right in your suspicians that it wont work without a battery. You need to get a wiring diagram but its a rare bike and might be hard to find one.
  10. Airhead

    1969 dt1-b

    First class resto, well done
  11. And like him....I didnt see that coming
  12. Happy new year Dave. That exact thought did occur to me, but if thats is so its not all that effective as its only about two inches long. and still requires painting often, the most serious damage done in the uk is the rain that is thrown against the header pipe...not something that you suffer from so much eh?
  13. Seriously i would, its a hoot in this weather but its in bits Correct, DT's and XT's rule in the snow, not to mention TT's and WR's
  14. Woke up this morning to a blizzard. Nice if all you have to do is look at it but i'm pretty much snowed in again. I had two days left of my Xmas holiday in which to dump the Xmas tree and go across the other end of the county to view a bike i'm after but its that bad i'm snowed in again
  15. Not familiar with the bike in question but I guess there are two pipes from the fuel tank tap, The larger one will be the fuel feed to the carb and there will really only be one spigot large enough to take it. The smaller one will be the vacuum line and will either go to a spigot on the carb that is positioned 'engine side' of the throttle slide, or will be connected to a spigot on the inlet manifold. Hope that helps...Paul
  16. Airhead

    older bikes

    Mobylette were French, dont knock em though. CD175, ugly but reliable Honda quality, I prefer the CB 175 that I had. KE175...Youre having a laugh...DT175MX the undisputed champion supreme of all comers in its day CX500 not even a beetle but a lowly maggot, i had a new CB900F when these were out. xs400 [ Nice example i must say ] ...I'll give you that one though
  17. Haha, could be that or could be that members only want their age in years to freely seen on t'internet, has caught me out in the past too!
  18. Airhead

    older bikes

    Thats where it all started for me 35 years ago, a CB125ss, superb little bike, good performance and excellent fuel consumption.Made a right racket with its open megaphone exhausts Since then though i'm lucky to be still wearing my 'rose tints' in that i managed to hang on to my DT175 while other bike came and went The only bike i bought but didnt like was a Honda dominator NX650, i bought this one new (1998) mainly for its looks as i've always liked trail bikes but found it too long legged in a queue on the commute to work and also heavy.
  19. Well thats not right because its already started up when it "ticks over" You only need the choke to start the bike, gradually take it off as soon as possible after the engine is running, using the choke too much or for too long will give the symptoms you describe. Give it a good run get it warmed up with NO choke and it should be OK
  20. is the bike rideable...why do you think the carb is flooded...(what symptoms)?
  21. Morning Kishan, cant understand just what you said there fella
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