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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. you'll be able to buy her a printer from all the money you're saving
  2. cool bring it to squires and well have some fun, I bought a helicopter from Aldi, it went up so quick it hit the ceiling, bounced off the chimney breast and never flew again !!
  3. don't see why a biker group would be too bothered since it's about a band...probably a band the biker group might like anyhow ?
  4. Greetings member matrixtomb made me laugh too, good to see you found a way round your predicament
  5. shit...my fuel lines are black...d'ya think there could be some incognito bubbles out to do me harm !! ?
  6. Airhead

    Shit Happens

    seriously you need to learn from this STOP THAT DIY !
  7. get the carb ultrasonic cleaned jack...cant comment on the engine swap I don't know stuff about fuel injection. There are forum members who have sonic cleaning baths that may do it for a few ££'s ?
  8. so it's imported from UK McF...or you have the same registration plate ??
  9. yeah don't worry about it, I would think if you get a better source coil your troubles will be solved...lets see
  10. Well its a reproduction of the correct part number>>.message them and ask about the resistance value....less resistance = less windings = less voltage developed = poor performance
  11. 206 Ohms is too low ! you need a C31 coil from electrex world, give them a ring and ask when they will have some in stock http://www.electrexworld.co.uk/acatalog/C31.html#aC31 or I'll have a look if I have a spare ?
  12. Bippo youre a diamond
  13. me too, it'll be something to be proud of...beware of paints that petrol dissolves though !
  14. ??? I was just saying, in your pic the blocks are different colours mate , not only that...they are slanting different ways
  15. what about blue blocks on the tank and black blocks on the tail...looks out of sync
  16. gently squeeze it it out in kitchen roll until all the excess oil is removed, no need to wash it again
  17. those filters are washable in petrol y'know. Only lightly oil it after it has dried out, too much oil on it will make it rich. yeah try lowering the needle
  18. you'll no doubt be able to buy new ones
  19. tip a teaspoon or so of petrol into the cylinder, try again with choke on and only a little throttle opening, its encouraging that you have a good spark
  20. you said you checked the spark plugs...for what? sparks? how...is there a kick lever?
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