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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. yeah well sought after back in the day, looks a great project
  2. Airhead


    The only fact that is true is that you don't like cyclists and can't pass up on any opportunity to talk shite whenever a cycling thread crops up
  3. Airhead


    Its not a simple FACT that 90% cycle badly at all. who are you to portray this bollocks as being fact ?
  4. Airhead


    without any shadow of doubt whatsoever, car drivers are the most inconsiderate of all road users, I see this on a daily basis, they are only interested in their own progress and would see a complete lane of traffic at a standstill rather than adjust their own speed for a very brief moment to signal to another driver it is OK to go..utter selfish morons and these days they are worse than ever. But hey I'm getting carried away aren't I, lets get back to slagging off cyclists!
  5. Airhead


    and another hate the cyclist thread is born lycra clad this and lycra clad that shit
  6. is there a 'pip and peg' alignment on the operating arm for this bike?
  7. undo the adjuster and you should be able to push/pull the brake operating arm...I suspect if you pull it back the brake may free itself
  8. did you slacken the adjuster on the rod before you pulled the wheel back or after you noticed a problem?
  9. Hope you're going to be well at easter Paul
  10. Airhead

    I'm an idiot!

    come on admit it, you left the hotgrips on
  11. no nothing like that
  12. Next post that promotes or revels in violence against cyclists gets it locked !
  13. Theres a lot of leather clad knobs in here today, hey you haven't mentioned road tax yet guys...come on then YAWN
  14. Good to see you back on 2 wheels again andy and enjoy the tinkering fella, hope you can get the fuel gauge sorted out fella
  15. Cyclists have as much right to ride on twisty roads as you do, ride sensibly you'll get past them soon enough although on your 125 custom it may take a little longer lol Get off the roads lycra clad knob ends? what for to make way for you a leather clab knob end? Courteous to others...How much courtecy to cyclists do you show on an average day I wonder ? The roads are for everyone not just you!
  16. Airhead

    Classic ?

    its 25 years old...benchmark classic age
  17. sounds like the bath will be in good nick then...can I have that mate ?
  18. Blind spots...don't squeeze em!
  19. Sad news indeed Paul I'm really sorry to hear about it mate we all know how much you loved to ride your bikes, you keep on fighting it and we'll all look forward to seeing you at squires.
  20. yeah if you cant take a bit of ribbing spencey ? so reading between the lines, it don't matter a jot about a bubble in the fuel line
  21. Its 'Captain' Ray...Captain Mainwaring sheesh it's like bloody Fawlty Towers in here sometimes
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